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“鬼街”或鬼节。"Ghost street" or Guijie.

并有特殊的鬼节和舞牦牛。And have special Halloween and dance yak.

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清明节又称鬼节、冥节。Pure Brightness Festival is also called Ghost Festival.

鬼节是墨西哥人纪念逝去亲人的古老节日。The Day of the Dead is an ancient festival celebrated in Mexico.

你妈太丑了,政府把她的生日定为鬼节。Your Mama's So ugly, the government moved Halloween to her birthday.

你妈是个丑八怪,364天的梳妆打扮只为过鬼节。Yo momma's so ugly, she gets 364 extra days to dress up for Halloween.

在英国,万圣节前夕可以说是一个鬼节。In the United Kingdom, on the eve of Halloween can be said is a Guijie.

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某方面而言,鬼节很像万圣节,只是要搞派对大概不行了。In a way, this is much the same as Halloween, yet there can be no party for it.

下面是一篇关于中国的传统节日---鬼节的雅思口语话题范文。The seventh lunar month in the traditional Chinese calendar is called Ghost Month.

如果你给孩子设计的鬼节服装要适合穿在风雪衣外面,那你是住在安大略省。If you design your kid's Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit, you live in Ontario.

在中国有传统的四大鬼节,在西方有古老的万圣节。In China, there are the Four Halloween Festivals while in Western, there is immemorial Halloween.

清明是鬼节之一,百鬼出没,插柳自然是辟邪了。Sobriety is one of the Ghost Festival, demons, nature is capable of warding off evil into willow.

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他们的鬼节,虽方式方法不同,但基本精神却也大同小异。Of the east and the west, celebration of the day is the same in essence, although different in ways.

日本的鬼节是盂兰盆节。这个节日持续三日,是佛教徒遵循的祭奠祖先的日子。The three-day Japanese Obon festival is a Buddhist observance dedicated to the spirits of ancestors.

今天又整理出一批鬼节的照片,小贝是小巫师,呵呵。Just uploaded a batch of pictures of halloween, Tristan is the almighty wizard! Got quite some sweets.

在比奥举殡几个星期后的一天晚上,我从熟睡中惊醒,脑海里一直浮想着奥萨卡鬼节的情景。One night, weeks after Beau's memorial service, I woke from the deepest part of sleep with Oaxaca on my mind.

主要论述鬼节、中元节和盂兰盆节的基本特点和主要活动。Guijie major expositions, the Ghost Festival and Bon-odori festival's basic characteristics and their main activities.

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在1993年母亲刚去世的时候,我碰巧出差到奥萨卡,恰逢当地人在庆祝鬼节。Shortly after my mother passed in 1993, I went to Oaxaca, Mexico on assignment during the Days of the Dead celebration.

跟中国传统的鬼节相反,万圣节一点也不恐布,反而是一个开派对和充满乐趣的时节!Contrary to the traditional Ghost Festival in China, Halloween is not that scary at all. It's a time for fun and parties!

恐怖寂寞的万圣鬼节即将来临,每个人都会同另一个自己来与你见面,今年另一个自己会是谁?Thebloodcurdling Halloween times is coming again. Everyone dresses up for Halloween, so what are you going to be this year?