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凡人都会犯过错。Tactuality is no man but errs.

我想有一个凡人到来了!Methinks a mortal doth approach!

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娜塔莉·波特曼饰演凡人女科学家。Natalie Portman plays the Earthling scientist.

我自己是凡人,我只求凡人的幸福。——彼特拉克。I myself is mortal, I but for the happiness of man.

这里都是凡人,你可以随意回贴。Only common people in here, you can reply any post.

然而在他看来,它们不过是一群开心的凡人罢了。To him they seemed only a company of merry mortals.

上帝是神圣的,独立且与凡人不同的,因此我们应该模仿他。As God is holy, separate and distinct, so you shall be holy.

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全因我们,以至全部凡人,每个人都会犯错却从不忏悔。Cos we are, all human, we all make mistakes and never regret.

上帝对凡人耳语,却对我狂啸。God whispers into some men's ears. Well, he shouts into mine!

实干的凡人总是强于脱离实际的智者。Men and women of action always outrank armchair intellectuals.

这是一个多么令人宽慰的寓言故事——一个关于凡人其实是多么美好的寓言故事。It's a really reassuring fable about how good it is to be mortal.

我以神的姿态,闪耀在这美的瞬间,凡人勿扰。I in God's attitude, shine in this beautiful moment, man not faze.

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十全十美那是神,是凡人总会有些地方会惹着别人。It was perfect, God is always some mortal Jalan will be the others.

其实我们都是十分相像的凡人,有着相似的需求。In the end, we are mightly and merely people, each with similar needs.

所以,各位即将成为牛人的凡人们,快去做阅读吧。Therefore, each soon becomes Niu Ren the mortals, makes reading quickly.

但是作为凡人,普赛克不可以看丘比特的脸。He took her as his wife, but as a mortal she was forbidden to look at him.

最重要的,这部迷你剧给了我们一个个鲜活的人物形象,英雄亦凡人,也都有缺点。Most importantly, it gives us figure of flesh and blood, heroism and flaws.

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我从来没有想过要活得异于凡人或出人头地。I never want to view myself as any different or any better than anyone else.

不过,第一个凡人德鲁伊是大德鲁伊玛法里奥·怒风。However, the first mortal druid on Azeroth was Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage.

当爬到高一点的地方时,我想起了凡人想坐上诸神宝座的欲望。As I climb higher, I reflect on man's desire to sit on the throne of the gods.