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马铃薯是咸的。The potatoes are salty.

切成大块的马铃薯。Potatoes cut into big pieces.

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马铃薯一年发两次芽。Potatoes sprout twice a year.

我受不了马铃薯泥!I can't stand mashed potatoes!

用叉把马铃薯捣碎成泥。Mash the potatoes with a fork.

马铃薯和腰果制成的红色咖喱Red curry of potato and cashews

你的马铃薯长得怎么样?How are your potatoes coming on?

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马铃薯在锅里被煎成褐色。The potatoes browned in the pan.

我们在一块地里种了些马铃薯。We planted some potatos in a field.

我公司提供优质马铃薯淀粉。We supply high-grade potato starch.

马铃薯真的能够全部都做到吗?Can the potato really do all of that?

马铃薯是极有价值的食物。The potato is an invaluable esculent.

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这个剥皮器剥马铃薯很方便。This peeler's very good for potatoes.

他炸马铃薯前先将马铃薯刮皮。He scraped the potatoes before frying.

我们有蔬菜汤和马铃薯汤。We have vegetable soup or tomato soup.

马铃薯及稻米是富淀粉质的食物。Potatoes and rice arde farinose plants.

他给我们一盘马铃薯烧肉。He gave us a plate of meat and potatoes.

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艾伦将马铃薯切成丁,来做马铃薯沙拉。Alan cubed potatoes to make potato salad.

本年马铃薯丰登。The tomatoes have cropped well this year.

在烤马铃薯上放点酸奶酪和韭黄。Top baked potatoes with yogurt and chives