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蜘蛛张着凸出的腹部。The spider has a bulgy abdomen.

腹部绘云龙纹。The abdomen painted dragon cloud.

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我在怀孕的这个时候,也是经常会感到下腹疼痛的。I have a pain in the lower abdomen.

你满肚子都痛吗?Does the pain all over you abdomen ?

钝性的力量作用于腹部。Blunt force is applied to the abdomen.

左腹疼痛会是什么症状?。What symptom can left abdomen be sorely ?

咽喉和下腹部各有一道伤口。Her throat and lower abdomen were slashed.

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后来我发现一样好东西,就是肚兜。Then I found good thing, abdomen wraps up.

腹部叩诊常被省略。Percussion of the abdomen is often omitted.

那位孕妇大腹便便。The pregnant woman has an enlarged abdomen.

那位孕妇有增大的下腹。The pregnant woman have an enhuged abdomen.

他们打人的头和肚子。They beat them on the head and the abdomen.

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感觉腹部的手向外移动。Feel the hand on your abdomen moving outwards.

他切开她的腹部,摘除掉子宫。He sliced openher abdomen. Cut out her uterus.

肚子为什么会咕噜咕噜的叫?Why does abdomen meet what murmur murmurs cry?

头部、腹面有淡褐色纵斑。Tawny spots can be found on the head and abdomen.

你应该坐直,用你的大腿夹紧马腹。You should sit up straight and the horse abdomen.

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输精管自阴囊引出,进入腹腔。This tube leads from the scrotum into the abdomen.

通常在触诊之前应先听诊腹部。Always auscultate the abdomen before you palpate it.

五龄时翅芽延伸至腹部第三节。The wing buds extend to 3 rd abdomen on 5 th instar.