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由于这一功绩,斯科尔兹内获得了许多勋章。The feat earned Skorzeny a hatful of medals.

由于这一功绩,斯科尔兹内获得了许多勋章。The feat earned skorzeny a hatful of medals.

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死魇可能是阿兹最致命、最令人厌恶的创作。Deathmare might be the most hatful and deadly design by Az.

我会选罗纳尔多,因为他进了太多球,这很重要。I picked Ronny because he scored a hatful of goals and so many were important.

相信欧文这个赛季将会有很多进球。James Milner believes Michael Owen will score a hatful of goals for Newcastle this season.

如果切尔西早点再进球,我们恐怕就会被打成筛子了。If they had scored early on then we would have had to open up and possibly got beaten by a hatful.

我其实真的没有期望他进一筐球,偶尔给我们一点惊喜已经是额外的收获了。Biggest. While I'm not expecting a hatful of goals, a few here and there would certainly bea bonus.

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他们在对中央陆军的比赛里错失了无数机会,这也使得他们痛失小组领先优势。They missed a hatful of chances against CSKA and that enabled their visitors to retain the group leadership.

这位英格兰21岁以下队的后卫完全意识到上赛季尽管米堡曾经在两回合对阵西汉姆的比赛中创造出了大量的机会,但是米堡都没有获得理想的结果。The England U21 international is fully aware that West Ham did the double over Boro last season, despite Southgate's men creating a hatful of chances in both games.

在皇家马德里上赛季的联赛夺冠历程中,菲戈贡献了无数次助攻,并在出场的34场联赛中射入了9个球。Figo provided a hatful of goal assists in Real's procession to last season's league title and notched nine of his own during the course of his 34 league appearances.

他能根据需要自如调整比赛的节奏,还拥有独步天下的定位球绝技。斯内德远距离轰门的能力也十分了得,不少石破天惊的远射破门都记在他名下。He can also speed up the play or slow it down when needed, while his set-piece ability is second to none and his long-range shooting has brought him a hatful of spectacular goals.