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国际卫星六号通信卫星投入商业使用。The Intelsat IV communications satellite goes into commercial operation.

国际通信卫星组织在2月1日的声明中说,来自这些卫星的服务将像往常一样继续。Intelsat said in a Feb. 1 statement that services from these satellites will continue as usual.

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这些组织和国际通讯卫星机构达成协议来提供该项服务。The foundations entered into an agreement with the satellite operator Intelsat to provide the service.

27同时搭载一个国际通信卫星组织曾希望租给美国国防部的超高频带有效载荷。IS-27 also carried a UHF-band payload that Intelsat had hoped to lease to the U. S. Defense Department.

本月初,国际通信卫星公司与波音空间情报系统公司签署了一份IS-27卫星制造协议。Intelsat signed an agreement with Boeing Space and Intelligence Systems for manufacturing of IS-27 earlier this month.

美国的国际通讯卫星组织成员机构是由政府管理的通讯卫星公司,它是一私立机构。A government-regulated private corporation known as the Communications Satellite Corporation is the U. S. member of Intelsat.

运载国际通信卫星组织708号通信卫星的这枚火箭,在冲出发射塔架几秒钟内后未按规定行进而突然转向。The rocket, carrying an Intelsat 708 communications satellite, veered off course within seconds after clearing the launch tower.

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为支持联合国努力减少世界贫穷的活动,转播两场「电视粮食」音乐会来募集资金。Satellite services provider Intelsat is supporting the UN's drive to reduce world poverty by broadcasting two fund-raising TeleFood concerts.

既然国际通讯卫星组织重新得到了这颗反复无常——也许完全复活了——的僵尸卫星,那我们将能够避免以后的电视节目发生潜在的干扰了。Now that Intelsat has regained control of their wayward -- and possibly resurrected -- zombiesat, we can avoid potential interruptions to future TV shows.

国际上只有INTELSAT组织在卫星通信中进行过16QAM数传试验,他们采用的也是常规的线性放大16QAM调制技术,并且数传速率不高。From now, only the INTELSAT did the 16QAM experiments in space communication, and their 16QAM is made by conventional method, and its data rate is not high.

1965年6月28日,国际电信同盟1开始提供240个商务国际电话频道和美国与欧洲间的电视转播。On June 28,1965, INTELSAT I began providing 240 commercial international telephone channels as well as TV transmission between the United States and Europe.

在国际卫星系统起步后的二十余年里,技术的进展使全世界卫星传输系统发生了重大的变化。In the past decades since the start-up of the Intelsat system, technology developments have led to considerable changes in the world-wide satellite transmission system.

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国际通信卫星组织已经添加了一个类似的有效载荷到已经入轨的IS-22卫星上,并且争取到澳大利亚国防部队作为在卫星寿命中的一个客户。Intelsat had added a similar payload to the IS-22 satellite, which is alreadyin orbit, and had secured the Australian defense forces as a customer for thelife of the satellite.