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并于2005年右韧带撕裂。In 2005, torn right hamstring.

樊金文一伙上前乱砍,挑断其脚筋。Fan Jinwen group came hack, Tiaoduan his hamstring.

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不过,他的肌腱在比赛中轻微受伤。He has suffered a slight hamstring injury, however.

舍普琴科的腿窝拉伤也并不严重。Andriy Shevchenko's hamstring strain is not serious.

最终,在昨晚的比赛中,大腿拉伤结束了他在场上的噩梦。His night ended ignominiously with a hamstring pull.

你要砍断他们马的蹄筋,用火焚烧他们的车辆。You are to hamstring their horses and burn their chariots.

另一方面,刘正遭受着大腿肌肉拉伤的疼痛。Liu, on the other hand, was suffering from a sore hamstring.

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枪手队长由于脚部筋腱拉伤将缺席到新年期间。The captain will be out until the New Year with a hamstring problem.

因为大腿后肌拉伤,麦可将不会参加下周的比赛。红黄判决。Because of the hamstring injury, Michael won't play the game next week.

我的意思是,你认为她会在你的背后加害于你吗?What I mean is, do you think she'd go behind your back try to hamstring you?

“很不幸地,过去几年我肌踺有点问题,”他说。"Unfortunately I had some hamstring issues in the last few years, " he said.

朱鲁腿腱方面有点小问题,但是这并不严重。"Djourou has a small hamstring problem but it is not bad, " said the manager.

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与跟腱和股四头肌一起,他们大概就是主要的肌肉群了。Along with the hamstring and the quads they are probably the main muscle groups.

唯一可能阻碍这一愿景的就是薄弱的投资者基础。The only thing that could hamstring this vision is a disempowered investor base.

目的观察电针为主治疗股后肌群拉伤的效果。Objective To observe the effect of hamstring muscle injury treated by pole vaulting.

斯科特尔伤势是跟腱的伤势,而阿尔扎尔是膝盖韧带受伤。Skrtel has a hamstring injury while El Zhar has damaged medial ligaments in his knee.

弓步也是维持股四头肌和腿筋力量的一种好练习。Lunges are also an excellent exercise for maintaining quadriceps and hamstring strength.

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跟腱的疲劳与损伤对一个跨栏选手来说可能意味着职业生涯的结束。A strained Achilles tendon or a sore hamstring can be career-ending for a sprint hurdler.

那天晚一些的时候,我的腿筋又开始疼痛,于是只好在大不列颠与哥伦比亚省的交界处搭了便车。Later that day, my hamstring started bothering me again, so at the BC border I hitchhiked.

巴里和理查兹从腿伤中复出,全队受到了很大的鼓舞。They are boosted by the return of Gareth Barry and Micah Richards from hamstring injuries.