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起义者激烈地开火。The insurgents fired impetuously.

道格拉斯喝了很多红酒,吃了不少烤猪肉。Douglas impetuously drinks wine and eats roast pork.

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瑜伽可以帮助人们将浮躁的心安静下来。The yoga may help the people impetuously to feel at ease calms down.

对所谓感情用事的人来说,他们就像是一个被倒悬在梁上的人。Those people, who act impetuously , are as if they are hung by feet on beam.

有时,广告会引导你去买你根本不需要的东西。Sometimes, an ad can make you impetuously buy something you don't need at all.

去年一年我们做了很多事情,有些事情是搞多了搞急了。Last year we accomplished many things, but some were overdone or done impetuously.

但是她也承认担心冲动的辞职会给她的事业带来影响。But she admits she is a little worried about the impact on her career of having quit impetuously.

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乌合之众浮躁压在我们身上,骚扰我们与他们的长矛,并与箭的飞行压倒我们。The rabble pressed impetuously upon us, harassing us with their spears, and overwhelming us with flights of arrows.

当遇战疯来到雅汶4号卫星,威胁到当地的绝地学员时,阿纳金为了营救他们投入了激烈的战斗。When the Yuuzhan Vong came to Yavin 4, threatening the Jedi students studying there, Anakin impetuously rushed off to save them.

白无及紧紧地盯着她,“你什么都好,就是太感情用事,犹豫不决,只会坏了大事。”"The white has no and tightly stares at her, " you what all good, be deed impetuously too many, hesitant, will break down important event.

在得知米菈克丝的绑架者之后,洪恩立即离开学院,从一个狡诈的前星区首长海盗手中救出妻子。Upon discovering leads to Mirax's abductors, Horn impetuously left the academy, and freed his wife from a rogue Imperial Moff -turned-pirate.

入世后,我国进一步融入到世界经济大舞台中,市场竞争愈加激烈。After entering WTO, our country is further incorporate to the world economic big stage, and the competition of the market is more and more impetuously.

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生命科学和整个自然科学都在向微观方向发展,不断形成新的理论和技术方法。Microscopic study is a general tendency of biosciences and natural science as a whole, through which new theories, techniques, and methods are developed impetuously.

要经常从他人的观点出发去检验你的决定正确与否。要从不同角度去思考问题,不要感情用事。这样,你就会做出正确的决定。Always check whether you have made right decisions from other's points of view. Think from different angles and never act impetuously. Then you can make right decision.

但是随着加工贸易的发展,由此带来的劳动力成本逐步提高、贸易壁垒日渐频繁、国际竞争更加激烈等问题越来越多。But with the development of processing trade, the cost of labor escalated, trade barriers became daily frequency, international competition got to much more impetuously.

一旦踏入战场,骑士们全钢板甲刀枪不入,只有最精锐的长矛方阵方可挡住他们的全力冲锋。Equipped with good plate armour, and armed with lance and sword, these elite warriors are a force to be reckoned with, despite their tendency to act impetuously in battle.