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这些饺子是一些黏糊糊的生面团块。The dumplings were chunky pieces of uncooked dough.

蛋制品能作为未煮熟食品中的一种成分吗?Can Egg Products Be Used As An Ingredient In Uncooked Foods?

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这条鱼是生吃的,未经蒸煮,也没加任何调味品。The fish is served au naturel, uncooked and with nothing added.

彻底杜绝生食禽类血制品的习惯。Completely avoid the practice of drinking uncooked poultry blood.

将生的卷心菜切成细丝,可以做成甘蓝沙拉和其他的沙拉。Uncooked cabbage, cut thinly, is used in coleslaw and other salads.

生卷心菜,切成薄片,可以用来做甘蓝沙拉或其他的沙拉。Uncooked cabbage, cut thinly, is used in cole slaw and other salads.

不过,不要长时间烹调卷心菜,生吃才有防癌功效。But don't overcook cabbage, as only uncooked cabbage can do you good.

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未煮过的豆类中含有血球凝集素,对鸟儿是非常有害的。Uncooked beans contain hemaglutin, a poison that is very toxic to birds.

每日生食50克新鲜的洋葱,也可以用果汁或是洋葱油代替。Eat 50 g uncooked fresh onions every day, otherwise the juice or onion oil.

人如果吃了没有经过烹饪的这种家畜,脑子里也会感染这种微生物。Eat one of these livestock uncooked and you'll get Toxo in your brain, too.

如果你把他们原封不动或是烫洗后全冷冻起来就可以享用整个冬天了。You can enjoy them all winter long if you freeze them uncooked or blanched.

把切好的生甘蓝片放到菠菜上,然后撒上青蒜。Scatter the uncooked turnip pieces over the spinach, then scatter the leeks.

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我也会把水果切了做成不用烹调的一道菜,或者当作配菜来吃。I also add fruits to all kinds of uncooked meals, chopped up or as a side dish.

它是一个伟大的中等都熟和未煮过的,成本只是美分,每名儿童!It is a great medium both cooked and uncooked , and cost just pennies per child!

该间歇补料优化工艺的建立,丰富了生料发酵技术的应用。This study demonstrated the new application of uncooked fermentation technology.

奇怪的是,煮熟的番茄制品比未煮过的番茄含有更高的番茄红素。Surprisingly, cooked tomato products are richer in lycopene than uncooked tomatoes.

人发现煮过的肉更好吃,然后发现煮熟了的肉比生肉保持不变质的时间更长。Then he found cooked meat would keep longer, without going bad, than uncooked meat.

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并且发现从总体上来说无籽西瓜的番茄红素含量较高。Tests also showed that watermelon had as much or more lycopene as uncooked tomatoes.

开锅以后,把生的意面倒进去,一起搅一搅。When the broth comes to a boil, add the uncooked pasta and stir everything together.

在牧场中喂饲未煮熟的厨房废肉是小猪群的一个传染来源。Feeding of uncooked table scraps on the farm is a source of infection in small herds.