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以下就是我在澳门的战力品。Here's what I bought in Macau.

澳门是富裕的城市,但贫富悬殊严重。Macau is affluent but not for all people.

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兑换了些澳门元。I exchanged US dollars into Macau dollars.

他也习惯把自己称作澳门人。He calls himself someone from Macau as well.

澳门皇冠为何实施双周薪酬支付制度?。Why do we have fortnightly pay at Crown Macau?

澳门皇冠为何实施双周薪酬支付制度?。Why did we have fortnightly pay at Crown Macau?

何博士为建设澳门,作出积极贡献。Dr. Ho has made extensive contributions to Macau.

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重诺守信,诚信待人,扎根于澳门的诚利地产。One of the best real estate agency based in Macau.

图为澳门国际机场项目。The picture shows the Macau International Airport.

主要枢纽基地是澳门国际机场。Base is the main hub of Macau International Airport.

此产品只供中国,香港及澳门销售。CliC is available for China, Hong Kong and Macau only.

港澳居民回乡卡遗失怎么办?Hong Kong and Macau Residents Home-Returning Card Lost?

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每天顾客不少,有些更从澳门远道而来。Many customers per day, some from as far away as Macau.

澳门凯旋门凯旋会卡是由澳门凯旋门发出。The L'Arc card is sent to the applicant by L'Arc Macau.

我希望可以踏入澳门这座魔幻之城旅游。I hope I can step into Macau to visti this magical city.

澳门艺术家施明坤作品,全手作自制袋,每个都有独立个性。Made with macau artist frankie see, each with own style.

而且从中华渡轮的终点站去澳门的地方也在广东道附近。Also China Ferry Terminal to Macau is near on Canton Road.

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澳门仅仅有一小块地带与中国大陆接壤。Macau is attached to mainland China only by a narrow isthmus.

永利澳门是亚洲首间拉斯维加斯式的综合式渡假酒店。Wynn Macau is the first Las Vegas-style blended resort in Asia.

所有课程的上课地点均在澳门高等校际学院。All classes will be held at the Macau Inter-University Institute.