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冷如冰。Cold as ice.

照我的吩咐去做。Do as I bid.

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正如古班所说。As Cuban says.

作为根用户登录。Log in as root.

如丝般柔软。As soft as silk.

任我行得到江山没有?As we get there?

照我吩咐你的去做。Do as I bid you.

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照我的指示去做。Do as I command.

畏怯如一只鸟!Timid as a Bird!

或是有点疲惫不堪吗Tired as can be?

作为根包。As root packages.

幸好,无妨,还是…好。Just as well adv.

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将此作为草图保存。Save it as draft.

他们是器官捐赠者。As in organ donor.

真让我猜着了。I guessed as much.

我和你想到一块儿了。I think as you do.

像羔羊一样地安静!Quietly as a lamb!

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作为模特儿的宋承宪是?SSH as a model is?

像雨中长出的花草。As flowers in rain.

他表现得像个英雄。He acted as a hero.