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升级你的运动用品。Upgrade your exercise.

升级中止。The upgrade aborts now.

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飞行里数绩分提升。No Mileage Plus upgrade.

升级你的文凭。Upgrade your credentials.

紧实松垮肌肤、眼部提升。Compaction skin, eye upgrade.

但是,如果升级失败了呢?But what if the upgrade fails?

我真的需要这样的提升吗?Do I really need this upgrade?

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可以轻松地安装和升级。Easy installation and upgrade.

我想把我的电脑进级。I want to upgrade my computer.

为什么要对电脑芯片升级?Why do we need to upgrade ECUs ?

黑色汽油弹升级完毕。Black napalm upgrade is complete.

升级所有数据库的模式。Upgrade schemas of all databases.

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旧款iPad所有者希望升级Old iPad owners looking to upgrade

升级您的餐厅选择。Upgrade your restaurant selection.

你的计算机需要升级.You have to upgrade your computer.

购买一次终身免费无限升级。Buy once and upgrade function free.

它可以说是一个“有了更好”的升级。It's more of a nice-to-have upgrade.

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“月剑”现在是“二等的升级”。Moon Glaive is now a tier 2 upgrade.

例1—WebSocket升级握手Example 1—WebSocket upgrade handshake

执行操作系统升级。Perform the operating system upgrade.