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有什么赛前餐是你爱吃的么?Do you have a pregame meal you like to eat?

赛前准备活动投篮练习,是很有帮助的。Pregame warming-up practice on shooting! It does help.

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于是麦迪还在例行的赛前训练。So McGrady went through his now familiar pregame workout.

他还拿杰克逊赛前对他的“教诲”开起了玩笑。Then he joked about Jackson's pregame discussion with him.

电视里正在播放红人队总决赛前的预热节目,他关小了音量。He lowered the volume on the Redskins play-off pregame show.

科比在主场比赛前都会去酒店开房来好好睡一会儿。Kobe Bryant checks into a hotel before home games for his pregame nap.

开场一分钟后,科比就改变了超音速赛前的战术计划。A minute into the game, Bryant was able to alter the Sonics ' pregame strategy.

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他温和的引导语调变成了足球教练在开场前激励性讲话的语调。His gentle introductory tone modulates into a football coach's pregame pep talk.

这是鲨鱼的上场时间,但是这并没有包括赛前的那段舞,那也是一个很好的表演。That was how many O'Neal played, but that didn't count his pregame dance, another big hit.

华莱士在底特律是倍受拥戴的球员,总是在比赛前被大加表彰一番。Wallace was a beloved athlete in Detroit, always introduced last during pregame festivities.

第7场的赛前介绍在文件2上,但是实际上第7场真正的比赛是从文件3开始。The pregame stuff for game 7 is therefore on file 2, but the actual pretty much starts on file 3.

赛前奥尼尔对韦德面授机宜,为这位全明星后卫出谋划策。O'Neal pulled Wade aside for a pregame chat, delivering another pregame message to the star guard.

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他的心灵幻想就包括一次赛前录像研究时间把白巧克力威廉姆斯比作是纳粹激进派。His Jedi mind tricks include likening PG Jason Williams to a Nazi radical in a pregame film session.

每一次训练、每一个拍摄镜头、每一场预赛和比赛都是事先安排好的。Every practice is structured. Every film session is structured. Every pregame and game is structured.

奥巴马身穿一件棕色飞行皮夹克,在进行赛前讲话时,似乎也被现场气势所震撼。In his pregame address, Obama, wearing abrown leather bomber jacket, seemed struck by the surroundings.

在出场的介绍仪式上,奥多姆和替补们站在场边,而那些首发被叫了上场。During pregame introductions, Odom stood in line with the reserves as the starters were called onto the court.

拜纳姆是湖人队中唯一一个没有披挂上阵的7尺高人。Bynum was also the only 7-footer not in uniform jumping around with the rest of the team in its pregame huddle.

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为了确定水分流失的量,教练员把运动员的赛后体重从赛前体重中减掉。To estimate for the amount of moisture lost, trainers subtract a player's postgame weight from his pregame weight.

火箭的领袖T-mac将不需要在打完几针后,再去做赛前的投篮练习。The Rockets guard will no longer need those pregame shots after receiving a series of anti-inflamatory injections on Tuesday.

来自世界各地的运动员们抵达大运村,为世界大学生运动会开始赛前体能训练。Athletes from all over the world have arrived in the Games village and engaged in pregame physical training for the Universiade.