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这一天,詹妮弗·帕克一清早就闯下了大祸。Jennifer Parker's day had started disastrously.

史丹利骑单车横越加拿大的计画出了大问题。Stanley's plan to cycle across Canada went disastrously wrong.

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接下来对黑尔来说是灾难性的打击,电击在七十年代初被禁止使用了。Then, disastrously for Hare, electric shocks were outlawed in the early 70s.

但在周二,他领导的政党的许多成员反对这一做法,担心此举可能适得其反,带来灾难性的后果。But on Tuesday, many in his party balked, fearing that the move could backfire disastrously.

在过去两年里,利润得到了大幅增长,而失业依然处于灾难班的高位。Over the last two years profits have soared while employment has remained disastrously high.

在过去两年里,利润得到了大幅增长,而失业依然处于灾难班的高位。Over the last two years profits have soared while unemployment has remained disastrously high.

这场漫长的反政府运动的最终结果就是我们转了一个灾难性的错误的弯。So the end result of the long campaign against government is that we’ve taken a disastrously wrong turn.

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经济增长似乎已经停止,然而在大西洋两岸,失业依然具有灾难性的高位。And growth seems to be stalling, while unemployment remains disastrously high on both sides of the Atlantic.

市场花园作战行动决策出现严重错误,盟军在敌线损失35000的兵力。Operation Market Garden goes disastrously wrong and 35, 000 troops are mostly mis-dropped behind enemy lines.

但是银行被成功冲昏了头脑,投机超过了极限,疯狂发行纸币的结果就是1667年的灾难性崩溃。But, heady with success, the venture over-reached itself, issued too many notes and crashed disastrously in 1667.

尽管巴格达动物园覆灭的悲剧是独一无二的个案,但动物园通常都在战争中饱受伤害。Although the destruction of the Baghdad Zoo was uniquely tragic in its scale, zoos have always fared disastrously in wars.

这个事件变得很出名,成为农村“人民公社”结束的开端。The event became celebrated as the beginning of the end of the rural “people’s communes” disastrously promoted by Mao Zedong.

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捍卫市场者有时也承认市场会失灵,甚至造成灾难性的结果,但他们声称市场的特点是具备“自我纠正”功能。Defenders of markets sometimes admit that they do fail, even disastrously , but they claim that markets are "self-correcting."

天主教堂在过往的历史中为人们付出很多,但正如任何由人组成的机构一样,它们也犯过错误,有时甚至带来过灾难性的伤害。The Church has done much good over time. But like any human-staffed institution, it's made mistakes, sometimes disastrously hurtful ones.

我想现在就是中国人民银行在如何运作中国经济方面被证明犯了悲惨错误的好时机。I think there's a good chance that the People's Bank of China is going to turn out to be disastrously wrong about how to run China's economy.

当小泉2006年退休时,年轻有为,坚定自信的安倍先生似乎是能够延续这种人气与改革的最佳人选。When Mr Koizumi retired in 2006, Mr Abe, youthful and assertive, seemed well-placed to maintain this momentum. But he proved disastrously inept.

可以简单地归咎于掠夺成性的银行家,他们诱骗贪婪、狡猾的人们,使他们荒唐地承担了无法偿还的贷款,造成灾难性恶果。It would be easy simply to blame predatory bankers who got greedy, conning people into absurdly unaffordable loans that came disastrously unstuck.

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然而在上周,布鲁克海文国家实验室的主任,乔治马伯格,刚刚成立了一个调查委员会,要对该项目是否会导致严重的灾难而进行调查论证。Last week, however, John Marburger, Brookhaven's director, set up a committee of physicists to investigate whether the project could go disastrously wrong.

因此,长期反对政府干预运动的最终结果使我们已经调转方向,一个可能带来灾难的错误方向。美国正走向的是一条没有照明、没有铺砌、没有目标的道路。So the end result of the long campaign against government is that we've taken a disastrously wrong turn. America is now on the unlit, unpaved road to nowhere.

1815年印度尼西亚坦博拉火山爆发是有记录以来地球上最猛烈的火山爆发之一,也导致了1816年席卷大半个地球的灾难性的冷夏。The 1815 eruption of Indonesia's Tambora – one of the most violent ever recorded on Earth – led to a disastrously cold summer across much of the globe in 1816.