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秃子不需梳头。The bald need no comb.

他像一只水鸡一样秃。He's as bald as a coot.

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一个缠着绷带的光头男人!A bald man with a sling!

是老了许多,现在连头几乎都秃了。Yes, he's almost bald now.

光脑袋,剃得快。A bald head is soon shaven.

不论偶们是谢顶地老人。Whether we be old and bald.

海鸥们群驱秃鹰。Gulls send away a bald eagle.

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他是个长得像猪一样的秃头老男人。He is a bald porcine old man.

后脑有枕秃。Metencephalon have pillow bald.

熊出没中熊大熊二、光头强。Bear in bear bear two, bald strong.

白头海雕饮食历史回溯Tracing Bald Eagles' Historic Diets

一个秃顶的犹太人亲包法利夫人?A bald Jew is kissing Madame Bovary?

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头发掉了后,他买了一顶假发。When he grew bald he bought a toupee.

学问太多催人老。Too much knowledge makes the head bald.

您是否看山变得光秃秃?Don't you see the mountains getting bald?

爷爷个子不高,圆圆的头,是个秃子。Grandpa was short, round-headed, and bald.

秃鹰是一种头上有白毛的大鹰。A bald eagle is a large white-headed eagle.

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这个年轻人开始迅速脱发。The young man was starting to bald rapidly.

这就是白头海雕所需要的漏洞。It was as much slack as the Bald Eagle needed.

威风凛凛的白头鹰也爱吃鲑鱼。Majestic bald eagles also feast on the salmon.