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造成蜜蜂死亡的其它潜在因素包括吸血寄生虫和感染。Other potentialfactors include bloodsucking parasites and infections.

而39岁梅耶则是来英国艾塞克斯,他在剧中扮演男主角、吸血鬼比尔·坎普顿。Moyer, from Essex, England, plays bloodsucking Bill Compton on the series.

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但只是某些关于吸血动物步向死亡的东西,这可以告诉人们很多事。But there's just something about the bloodsucking walking dead, that can say so much to people.

一种病毒正在全球肆虐,将正常人转变为称之为“恶魔”的嗜血魔人。A virus is raging across the planet, turning people into bloodsucking superhumans referred to as "Devils."

结论为东北3省吸血蠓的区系分布研究提供了依据。Conclusion Basis is given for faunal distriction on bloodsucking midges in 3 provinces of Northeast China.

随着雷曼兄弟这样的寄生虫公司倒下,吸血鬼的好日子也到头了。It was the beginning of the end for vampires when Lehman Brothers went under, those bloodsucking parasites.

研究揭示了为什么有些人总是会受到吸血虫蚊子的袭击而有些人却可以平安无事。Research reveals why some people are constantly under attack from the bloodsucking insects, while others walk free.

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他们还要面对当地的黑帮势力、恐怖分子、嗜血军阀、贪腐官僚。The sinister gang force that they face place even, terrorist, bloodsucking warlord, corrupt corrupt is bureaucratic.

虱吸血还可传播各种流行病,体虱被认为是传播流行性斑疹伤寒、回归热和战壕热的主要媒介。The bloodsucking louse also transmits various commutable diseases such as endemic typhus, trench fever and relapsing fever.

此刻的他是矛盾的,嗜血是他的立命之本,而面前的女子却让他想要珍惜。At the moment he is contradiction, bloodsucking be him establish a lot this, and the woman before lets him want to cherish however.

雷曼兄弟这些嗜血的寄生虫的倒下,正是吸血鬼们末日的开始。They're monsters of the people. It was the beginning of the end for vampires when Lehman Brothers went under, those bloodsucking parasites.

当爱尔兰海岸的一个小岛吸血外星人的入侵,英雄们发现,喝醉酒是唯一的生存之道。When an island off the coast of Ireland is invaded by bloodsucking aliens, the heroes discover that getting drunk is the only way to survive.

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了解吸血蠓及其传播的疾病,对有效预防和控制吸血蠓及蠓媒病具有重要意义。Understanding bloodsucking midges and the diseases transmitted by them is essential for the control of these parasites and the diseases they carry.

利什曼病一种传染性疾病。它是由利什曼虫属中任何一种带有鞭毛的原生动物引起,通过吸血的。An infection caused by any of the flagellate protozoans of the genus Leishmania, transmitted to human beings and animals by bloodsucking sand flies.

如大多数体外吸血寄生虫一样,臭虫并不会因为他们高超的技术而受到称赞,也不会因为不传播疾病的事实而受到尊重。Bedbugs win neither praise for their sophisticated technique, nor very much respect for the fact that they don't carry diseases, as most bloodsucking human ectoparasites do.

如大多数体外吸血寄生虫一样,臭虫并不会因为他们高超的技术而受到称赞,也不会因为不传播疾病的事实而受到尊重。Bedbugs win neither praise for their sophisticated technique, nor very much respect for the fact that they don’t carry diseases, as most bloodsucking human ectoparasites do.

英国政府国家蜜蜂管理部门否认英国有蜂群衰竭失调,指责吸血螨螨和多雨的夏季使蜜蜂停止觅食。The Britishgovernment’s National Bee Unit denies the existence of CDD over here, blaming the bloodsucking varroa mite and rainy summers that havestopped bees foraging for food.

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从停尸间再次醒来的萨蒂惊异于自己的死而复生,但不久她便发现,她已变成了嗜血如命的吸血鬼。Him marvel of Sa the base of a fruit that awakes again from mortuary rise again, but before long she discovers, she already became bloodsucking the bloodsucker that is like a life.

本书作者,杰夫·艾森伯格,是纽约市一家害虫客场公司的首席执行官——该公司提倡打击那些无翅、无味、红体的吸血臭虫。The author, Jeff Eisenberg, is the CEO of Pest Away Inc., a New York City–based company that is championing the fight against the wingless, odorous, red-bodied, bloodsucking Cimex lectularius.