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为了搞到钱去我要把表当掉。To get dough I'll put my watch in hock.

尾巴长,尾骨延伸至飞节或以下。Tail Long with bone reaching at least to hock joint.

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后腿腱四足动物跗关节后的一个大肌腱。The large tendon in the back of the hock of a quadruped.

从臀部到飞节长而强壮有力,飞节到脚垫短而结实。From hip to hock long and sinewy, hock to pad short and strong.

顺福有营馀,其实是香菇蒸鱼,因为有侍应帮忙分。Steamed Soon Hock Fish with Shimeiji Mushroom, the fish is fresh.

赵明福正是在其中一个盘问过程中死亡。Teoh Beng Hock was found dead after one such questioning process.

飞节略呈圆形,不能太小或轮廓过于锐利。The hock joints are somewhat rounded, not small and sharp in contour.

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毛发浓密,尾椎至少延伸到飞节。Tail bushy, with the last vertebra extended at least to the hock joint.

从狗后腿向腹部方向梳理后腿腿毛。Trim the hair to follow the line of the leg from the hock to the belly.

站立时或行走中,飞节没有向内弯或向外翻的迹象。Hock joints have no tendency to turn in or out when standing or gaiting.

多功能通用卡簧无需工具,就能自由安装于标准挂钩式的雨刷。Multi-functional spring with hock to standard pothook without any tooling.

飞节和后跗骨位于髋关节下方的一条直线上。The hock joint and metatarsals lie in a straight line below the hip joint.

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对于下午茶,我们随机选了中国城的丰富餐室。For afternoon tea we pick the Hong Hock Eating House in Chinatown at random.

为何我们不能忘记赵明福而继续我们的生活?Why can't we just get on with our lives and simply forget about Teoh Beng Hock?

从飞节到足爪的骨骼短,飞节角度恰当。The bones from the hocks to the pads are short with a well angulated hock joint.

我有了一份正式的工作,而你却在漂浮的澡堂里给人递毛巾。I mean, and I have a responsible job, and you hock towels at a floating bathhouse.

郑源福,“根与芽”无污染办公项目专员。Tay Guan Hock Marcus is Roots & Shoots Eco office Evaluation Programme Coordinator.

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先不管她们,我径直走到大门前,扣响了门铃,开门的是鲍先生的中国男仆浩克·拖伊,穿的一身白夹克,他一闪身让我进到屋子里来。I rang the bell and the sleek, white-jacketed Chinese houseboy, Hock Tooey, let me in.

赵明福之死使公众对反贪委员会的信心降至最低。The public confidence on MACC is at an all time low since the death of Teoh Beng Hock.

有一件事可以肯定的是,由于在伊拉克打仗,我们已经把身上几乎所有的东西都典当给了中国。We're in hock to the Chinese up to our eyeballs because of the war in Iraq, for one thing.