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法律行为既可以附条件又可以附期限。Chapter 4 focuses on validity of juristic act based on effectuation.

将英语学习纳入年度训练计画实施。Incorporate English learning as part of our school yearly effectuation.

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如果你们能按期履约的话,我们将考虑再次向你们订货。If you can ensure punctual effectuation of this contract, we will consider placing repeat orders.

上述合同即将生效,兹向贵公司表示诚挚的祝贺。We wish to extend to you our hearty congratulations on the impending effectuation of the above contract.

它的实现有赖于人们服从与接受,这与习俗有着密切的联系。And its effectuation depends on the submission and acceptance by people, which has close relationship with conventions.

文章最后的案例分析突出了行政契约生效制度研究的实用价值。The case study in the end of the thesis displays the practical value of the study of the effectuation of administrative contract.

第三章讨论了行政契约的生效制度所支持的规则以及进行了案例分析。Chapter Three focuses on the rules that effectuation system of administrative contract supports and analyses some cases in practice.

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接着本文详细地介绍了近年来国际创业领域出现的一个最新理论——效果逻辑理论。Then, the paper elaborated the original theory that has emerged in international entrepreneurship domain these years, which is called effectuation.

然而现行的班级授课制实行的是同步教学,不太能够顾及学生之间的差异。That active class gives lectures making an effectuation 's is synchro teaching but , is able to give consideration to the difference between the student not very.

学者在论及不动产登记之效力时,多述及移转登记之效力,而对后几种登记之效力似乎不为重视。When discussing effectuation of registeration of realty , scholars always argue more about transferring registeration while give little attention to the the rest kinds.

国民资本的扩张需要进行法律、金融、国有资本实现形式、管理等多方面的制度创新。It is necessary to reform and innovate the system of laws, banking, the effectuation of govmment capital and management so as to realize the expansion of national capital.

为采购之四大要件中的首要,其问题实为发生弊害与履约争议之渊薮,故规格之订定实为采购技术最为关键之所在。Procurement specification, one of the four important conditions on procurement, should, in particular, be imposed to prevent malpractices and disputes on the effectuation of the contract.

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本文对1932年至1937年“绥西屯垦”这一历史现象的来龙去脉及其引发的社会影响,做了较为客观、全面的论述。The article has wholly and objectively discussed the process of opening up wasteland in west of Suiyuan from 1932 to 1937, and social effectuation what this historical event brought about.

我们发现效果逻辑不仅为探讨“阿罗问题”的解法提供了一套非常有效的途径,而且还可能使我们在其他学科领域走的更远。We discovered that the effectuation theory not only provided a very effective method for the solution of"Arrow's Problem", but also promoted our development in other discipline domains further.

进一步营造良好的高校思想政治教育无形环境,以增强高校思想政治教育的实效性,显得十分重要与紧迫。The good college thought political education invisible environment further strengthens the college thought political education actual effectuation to appear extremely important and is essential.

阐述了一个GDEBS电子商务信息系统的设计过程,详细介绍了该系统的硬件结构及软件功能的实现。This paper presents a designing process of the electronic-commerce system for GDEBS, and a detailed introduction is given to its hardware structure and the effectuation of its software function.