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女阴没有男性的对等物。There is no male equivalent of the vulva.

组织病理改变符合硬化性萎缩性苔藓。The change of histopathology on the vulva lesion was consistent with sclerotic atrophic lichen.

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在此我们报告一65岁女性病人,其部之EMPD下方合并有硬化性汗管癌。We report a case of a 65-year-old woman with EMPD of the vulva and an underlying sclerosing sweat duct carcinoma.

粘膜白斑病一种异常情况,其特征是粘膜,尤其是口腔和。An abnormal condition characterized by white spots or patches on mucous membranes, especially of the mouth and vulva.

结果516例定位活检患者中宫颈癌116例,非典型增生26例,尖锐湿疣56例,慢性宫颈炎318例。Cervical carcinoma in 116 patients. Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in 26-patients. Vulva condyloma acuminate in 56 patients.

对52例尖锐湿疣进行了临床和组织病理观察,多发生于育龄妇女,其以30岁以下有性生活史者居多。In this paper, the clinical and histopathological manifestation were observed on 52 cases patients with condyloma acuminatum of vulva.

现在尿道的组织已经修整好,并且从会阴上较低的那个开口拉出来,开辟成一个新的泌尿管道。Now the urethral tissue has been trimmed , and has been brought through the lower incision in the vulva , creating the new urethral meatus.

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在南太平洋的波纳佩岛上,当地的男性在前戏时往往会先把一条鱼放进女方的玉户里,然后再慢慢地把它从里面吸出来。On Ponape, a South Pacific island, typical foreplay would involve a man placing a fish in his lover's vulva. He would then slowly lick it out.

在初期时,我的身体错过了这些信号,然后我就变成了一个有着阴蒂和阴门的女孩,而我的体内却与外表不一致。At the earliest stage of life, my body missed those signals, and I developed as a girl, with a clitoris and vulva. But what's inside me doesn't match.

盆与毛巾要专用,最好选择金属盆,每周用开水煮10分钟消下毒。Before sleeping every night give children cleaning vulva. POTS with towel to be dedicated had better choose metal basin weekly boil 10 minutes away poison.

母藏獒一般在阴门红肿,见到有血样分泌物之日起,第九至第十二天是排卵和配种的最佳时间。Female Tibetan Mastiff is usually in the vulva redness and swelling, to see the blood secretions of the day, the 9th to the 12th day is the best time of ovulation and breeding.