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爱情在诗歌中被比作花朵。Love was poetically compared to flower.

我把生命的哨子诗意地吹响。I blew the whistle of my life poetically.

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人生被富有诗意地比喻为朝露。Life is poetically compared to the morning dew.

阿尔比恩英格兰或大不列颠。England or Great Britain. Often used poetically.

在我疲倦的时候可以停下来诗意地栖居。At a time when I tired to stop dwelling poetically.

海德格尔说过,人应该诗意地栖居在自然中。Heidegger said that people should live poetically in nature.

我试图诗意地还原我们初遇的故事。I tried to poetically recreate the story of our first encounter.

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诗意地安居是人类共同的精神追求。Living poetically is the spirit of the common pursuit of mankind.

思想高雅而有诗意,那就是我所说的浪漫。very nobly and poetically. That's what I call a romantic atmosphere.

因为我们的本性是诗意的,所以我爱“诗意地栖居在大地上”。Since the nature of us is poetic, thus I love inhabiting the earth poetically.

“譬如冬季冻岩上一棵老树,”和尚相当诗意地回答。"An old tree grows on a cold rock in winter, " replied the monk somewhat poetically.

歌手以诗一样的语言描述了无休止的入侵带来的恐慌、畏惧以及奋争。The singer poetically describes the panic, fear, and struggle against the unappeasable invading force.

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在四分之一决赛中险胜红魔比利时后,萨维利亚用富有诗意的语言形容了梅西对本队的重要性。Alejandro Sabella poetically summed up what Messi means to his side after the narrow quarter-final win over Belgium.

在巴基斯坦,人们用“比山高、比海深、比蜜甜”这样诗歌般的语言来赞颂中巴友谊。In Pakistan, our relationship is poetically hailed as a friendship "higher than mountains, deeper than oceans and sweeter than honey."

人们抬抬头,看看月亮,与他们的祖先交流的想法可能已经和人类文化一样古老了。The idea that humankind can look up at the Moon and poetically commune with its ancestors is probably as old as the human culture itself.

艺术家以诗意的情怀为游客提供了一个私密性的停留和冥想之所,在喧嚣的城市中营造出一方小小的田园净土。The artist poetically provides a private space for the tourists to stay and meditate, creating a small piece of pure land in the clamorous city.

海氏美学作为反美学,具有着伟大的现实动机,那就是希望通过诗与艺术来救赎技术性栖居的人类,从而达到诗意栖居大地的目的。As anti-aesthetics, Heidegger's has a great practical motive, hoping to save technically-inhabitated man and making him reside poetically on the earth.

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但就是在河流中这些被丢弃的瓶子历经的考验磨炼,让它们诗一般地表现出河流在它们身上赋予的精神。Trial and error in the river let a process evolve whereby these discarded bottles could be poetically represented to show the spirit of the river upon them.

广义的比喻泛指语言具有诗学理据的运用,用形式主义文论的术语来说,就是具有陌生化特点的文学性。Metaphor, in its broad sense, refers to the use of language which is poetically motivated, that is, literariness featured by defamiliarization in formalist terms.

道家的认识论承绪先民对世界浑沌而富诗意的总体感知的遗风,主张以自我直观参悟自然大化的流程。Epistemology of Tao carries on the custom that our ancestors perceive the world coherently and poetically and advocates comprehending the movement of nature audio-visual.