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实质上,阿萨·坎德勒想给全世界的人都买一杯可乐。In essence, Asa Candler wanted to buy the world a Coke.

现在,坎德勒想做的就是使可口可乐家喻户晓。Now Candler set about making Coca Cola a household word.

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坎德勒还介绍了十二盎司可口可乐可以在1960年。Candler also introduced the twelve ounce Coke can in 1960.

药剂师阿萨·坎德勒在1891年购买了可口可乐公司。Druggist Asa Candler bought The Coca-Cola Company in 1891.

坎德勒取得了许多成就,在他的时间老板的公司。Candler achieved a lot during his time as owner of the company.

“那么,吉姆,你投谁的票?”康德勒先生笑着问道。"So whom are you going to vote for, Jim?" said Mr. Candler smiling.

“是的,就是其中的一个,”康德勒先生说,“正是他了。”"Yes, that's the one all right, " said Mr. Candler. "That's who it was. "

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坎德勒积极宣传可口可乐公司在报纸和广告牌。Candler aggressively advertised Coca-Cola in newspapers and on billboards.

他把他的主意给凯斯勒明说了,可是禽蛋检验员却充耳不闻。He explained his proposal to Kessler, but the egg candler was not listening.

而坎德勒对可口可乐有信心,他相信一杯可口可乐就能赢得哪怕是最挑剔的顾客。But Candler had faith in Coca Cola, and believed that one glass would win over even the toughest customer.

本发明涉及一种烛台及制备方法,特别是由蜡制成的烛台及制备方法。The invention relates to a candler and a preparation method thereof, in particular to the candler made of wax and the preparation method thereof.

卢克·提摩太·约翰逊,前本笃会僧侣,美国埃默里大学坎德勒神学院新约和基督教起源研究杰出教授。Luke Timothy Johnson, a former Benedictine monk, is currently the Robert W. Woodruff Distinguished Professor of New Testament and Christian Origins at the Candler School of Theology, Emory University.