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但他当时不在巴黎Manet wasn't there.

在MANET的拓扑中,节点可以任意移动。MANET is a network where nodes can move arbitrarily in the topology.

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自组网中区域路由协议主要由区域内路由和区域间路由组成。Zone Routing Protocol in MANET consists of IntrAzone and IntErzone routing.

马奈第一个将印象主义的光和色彩带进了人物画。Manet was the first painter to focus on the interplay between light, color and figure.

在安全问题中,路由协议的正确性尤为重要。This paper focuses on the formal verification of MANET non-secure and secure routing protocols.

称马柰为阿拉调色板,该自画像以他戴一顶保龄球帽,手握一支画笔来展示这位艺术家。Called Manet A La Palette, it shows the artist in a bowler hat, posing with a paintbrush in his hand.

1857年,在老朋友安东尼-普鲁斯特的陪伴下,马奈会晤了画家方丹-拉图尔和德拉克洛瓦。In 1857, Manet met the painters Fantin-Latour and Delacroix, in the company of his old friend Antonin Proust.

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提出了一种MANET中基于双向散列链具有撤销能力的自愈组密钥分发机制。A self-healing group key distribution scheme with revocation in MANET using dual directional hash chain was proposed.

移动自组网的协作应用具有层次性,组移动和组通信以及两者互相关联的特点。The three chief characteristics of mobile collaboration in MANET are hierarchy, group mobility and group communication.

例如,蓝色房间包含十九世纪画家包括爱度尔德马奈,尤金德拉克罗瓦的绘画作品。For example, the Blue Room contains paintings by nineteenth century artists including Edouard Manet and Eugene Delacroix.

MANET网络的能量是由寿命有限的电池来提供的,因此,“节约能量”的网络运行和管理构成MANET网络的重要研究方面。Since the MANET is powered with life-limited batteries, it is critical to save the energy in MANET operation and management.

本文主要研究移动自组网络中内部攻击对网络性能的影响以及安全路由协议。This paper mainly discusses the influence of network performance under internal attacks in MANET and security routing protocol.

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随着移动自组网络在民用和军事领域应用增加,移动自组网络安全技术研究日益受到人们重视。Along with the growing civil and military deployments of MANET , the security technology of the network receives increasing attention.

主要着眼于在MANET网络中保护移动节点间的多跳网络连接这个基本安全问题。In this paper we focus on the fundamental security problem of protecting the multihop network connectivity between mobile nodes in a MANET.

大家看这里,在塞纳河的下面,有一些莫奈和马奈的油画,他们都是后人,从后人的角度,去回溯的And here you go, right down by the Seine, there's some Monet and Manet paintings, both, that are further back, from further back, looking over.

接下来的几年时间里,马奈到荷兰、意大利、德国、布拉格和维也纳等地旅游考察,不断地丰富发展自己的思想。In the next few years Manet made study trips to Holland, Italy, Germany, Prague and Vienna, during which he increasingly explored his own ideas.

虽说画出来的成品并没能乱真到马奈本人会在上面签名的程度,但像马奈的成分要比像赫德森的多得多,而且把这位老板画得惟妙惟肖。It was not a Manet than Manet would have signed but it looked more like Manet than it did like Hudson and it looked exactly like the proprietor.

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从研究高斯-马尔可夫运动模型出发,提出了一个可用于预测移动自组网中节点间最大链路有效时间的模型。This paper discusses Gauss-Markov mobility model and develops it into a new model predicting the maximum link time between mobile nodes in MANET.

由于MANET的全动态特性,服务的自动发现在MANET中显得至关重要,它是MANET协议栈中的一个不可或缺的组成部分。Due to its dynamic property, automatic service discovery is obviously crucial for MANET, and become an indispensable component in protocol stack of MANET.

当新节点初始化IP地址时,节点只与一跳传输范围之内的某个邻居节点交换信息,而不需要向移动自组网中的所有节点广播请求。When a new node initializes its IP address, it exchanges information only with one of the one-hop neighbor nodes, rather than with all nodes in the MANET.