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充满了快乐和慈悲。Full of joy and humaneness.

他们的行为显示了最崇高的人道。What they did showed the greatest humaneness.

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科学与人文是两种不同的文化。Science and humaneness are two different cultures.

有关死刑过程是否人道,仍备受争议。At issue was the humaneness of the execution procedure.

这是人们一直都喻为最有人情味,最诗情画意的一个节日。It is a festival which is explained for its humaneness and poetry.

总的来说,这个变化体现了国家的人性化。他说。Altogether, the changes "embody the humaneness of the country", he said.

种族主义是一种亵渎,在境界的逻辑和境界的人性。Racism is a profanity in the realm of logic and in the realm of humaneness.

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孔子的学习思想以“仁”和“礼”为主要对象。The main objects of Confucius" thought of learning are "humaneness" and "rite.

但是,无论在什么样的环境里,仁慈的对代动物应该作为首先被考虑的因素。However, in all circumstances, humaneness to the animal should be a prevailing concern.

能设身处地换位思维,可以说是找到了成仁的方法”。To be able to correlate one's own feelings with those of others may be the way to approach humaneness.

但是,无论在什么样的环境里,仁慈的对代动物应该作为首先被考虑的因素。对于屠宰动物,以获得食物。However, in all circumstances, humaneness to the animal should be a prevailing concern. Slaughter of animals for food.

对于我们社会的仁慈依赖于政治、文化和对于宗教的幻想的想法,我们唯一的反应就是不寒而栗。One can only shudder at the thought that the humaneness of our societies would depend on the whims of politics, culture or religion.

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对比于概念框架并以孔子论仁为例,得出“中”即是把构成性置于法则、逻辑、方式之上的精神思路。Contrast with conceptualism and take Confucius talk humaneness for example. "Zhong" is the spirit which make broad upon rule and logic.

作为一个前殖民地人,一个印度移民后代,奈保尔满怀深情地记述着生活于殖民地之上的移民后代的生存状态。With humaneness Naipaul writes transmigrant offsprings ' state of life in colony , as an offspring of Indian transmigrants in ex-colony.

这儿有两个脍炙人口的小故事,足见他们之能称霸一时绝非幸致,完全是因为他们的一念之仁而得人心之故。Here are two popular anecdotes which show that it was not by luck that they were able to rule. They won people over with their humaneness.

加强和深化对人性问题的研究,是克服教育人性化思潮中抽象人性论倾向的重要措施。Enforcing and deepening studies on human nature is an important measure to prevent abstract humanization in ideas of educational humaneness.

居中织网的蜘蛛是「仁」,其放射网所及之处都是「义」,所经之径就是「礼」。The spider at the center of the web is " humaneness , " the places its web reaches are "righteousness, " and the paths it takes are "propriety.

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它是适当的教训,希望在一个自由教育就会发现自己在人性的研究生院的关系与他人?。Is it appropriate to hope that the lessons learned in a liberal education will reveal themselves in the humaneness of the graduate's relationship with others?