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另外,还有一些嘲讽和规劝的声音。Moreover, but also has some taunts and the admonishment sound.

约翰农业与一位著名的警示服务,我们的国家。John farming with a famous admonishment serve our country that.

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他把他们锁在一起想警告第一个女士那样警告了他们。He chains them together with the admonishment as for the first woman.

并也告诫人们不要做自欺欺人的蠢事。It is also an admonishment to people to not deceive themselves or others.

他连同相同的劝告一起关于第一个女人用铁链锁住他们。He chains them together with the same admonishment as for the first woman.

通俗小说自产生之日起,即在道德劝戒和娱乐大众之间摇摆不定。Popular novels vibrated between moral admonishment and pleasing the masses since they came into being.

田野刚刚离去,韩珊便接到供职公司老板的电话,老板规劝韩珊不要多管闲事。The field just leave, then receiving HanShan boss telephone, minister HanShan not nosy. i boss admonishment.

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这场堪称有史以来最大的地震之一的灾难刚刚过去3天,许多人都将政府的告诫谨记在心,待在家里。Just three days after one of the biggest earthquakes in recorded history, a lot of people took to heart the government's admonishment to stay home.

“50年我目睹了对这座宏伟城市的破坏”,他会以以训诫的口吻告诉人们“我们对待历史就象对待垃圾”。“For 50 years I’ve been watching the destruction of this magnificent city, ” he’ll say in admonishment. “We’ve been treating history like garbage.”

无论是在一场商业活动中,还是在一个广告中,还是一个关于鞋子的绝妙的市场策略中,公司都是把乔丹打造成一个完美的人。One commercial, one advertising campaign, one brilliant marketing strategy involving a shoe and a company created persona protected Michael Jordan from all admonishment. In a.

其中的刁蛮无赖者被“连拖带抬”送到附近的警察局,并在做了口供、笔录后受到严厉训诫。Some Falun Gong practitioners acted shamelessly , and they were pulled or lifted to the police station nearby. Finally, those practitioners had to make confessions and received severe admonishment.