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这个三角形是钝角三角形。The triangle is a obtuse.

这个三角形是钝角三角形。This triangle is a obtuse.

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萼片倒卵形,顶端圆形或钝。Sepals obovate, apex rounded or obtuse.

先端锐尖的叶,短渐尖,或钝。Leaf apex acute, shortly acuminate, or obtuse.

并证明了相应的钝角原理。The relevant obtuse angle principle is proved.

有一个内角是钝角的三角形。A triangle that contains an obtuse interior angle.

这位脑筋迟纯的编辑并不知道人家是在向他试探消息。The obtuse editor did not know he was being nibbled at.

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但是,政府不能言不由衷或者对政策反应迟钝。But the administration cannot be disingenuous or obtuse.

她当即觉得我愚钝不可教,但还是回答了我。She answered me like the obtuse child she decided I was.

倒披针形的叶片,在20厘米,先端钝的或圆形。Leaf blade oblanceolate, to 20 cm, apex obtuse or rounded.

从你看来,你父亲即顽固又迟钝。From your perspective, your father is being stubborn and obtuse.

设立体中两个相邻面之间的钝角为。Let be the obtuse angle between two adjacent faces of the solid.

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都这个时候了,她还只想着她的日记,迟钝的家伙。At this time, she still only misses her diary, the obtuse fellow.

电源电压线包括形成钝角的边缘部分。The power supply voltage line includes an edge part formed in an obtuse angle.

导致阶级战争的矛盾并不尖锐,只要稍微考虑两个事实。The charge of class war is particularly obtuse. Consider simply these two facts.

这是一个案件有点钝的适用范围古老的格言,鸟类羽毛羊群在一起。This is a case of a somewhat obtuse application of the old adage, Birds of a feather flock together.

她说自己的作品本意是讽刺和自嘲——“我觉得难以理解,摸不着头脑。”Her narration, she said, was meant to be ironic and self-mocking — "I find it very funny, almost obtuse."

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她的叙述,她说,本来是想讽刺和嘲笑自己的——“我觉得这很有趣,我觉得自己是如此愚钝”。Her narration, she said, was meant to be ironic and self-mocking — “I find it very funny, almost obtuse.”

进一步地,阴极电压线以及扫描驱动器的每一个都可以包括形成钝角的边缘部分。Further, a cathode voltage line and a scan driver each may include an edge part formed in an obtuse angle.

上面叶片5-10厘米宽具皱褶基部楔形边缘具粗圆齿先端钝脉扇形网状。Upper leaf blades 5-10 cm wide corrugate base cuneate margin coarsely crenate apex obtuse veins flabellate netted.