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到京汉大道上,他昏昏沉沉地就地躺在马路中间睡着了。He fell asleep drowsily just at the middle of the road Jinghan Avenue.

我们早就约定了,嘦以最慵懒的姿势,恍惚哋面对这个世界。As we agreed, to face the globe drowsily in our maximum weak positions.

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正如我们承诺的,以最慵懒的姿态无精打采的面对世界…As we promised, to face the world drowsily in our most languid positions.

正如我们的承诺,在我们最脆弱的时候糊涂的看世界。As we promised, to face the world drowsily in our most languid positions.

我们早就约定了,要以最慵懒的姿势,恍惚地面对这个世界。As we promised, to face the world drowsily in our most languid positions.

我懒洋洋地飘浮在太空舱内,漫不经心地听着空间生产的杂音。I floated inside my capsule drowsily listening to the artificial hum of space.

她半睡半醒地翻了个身,一片缓缓蠕动的黑暗渐渐将她的心包围起来。She turned drowsily on her side, a slow creeping black ness enveloping her mind.

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就生气的睡下了。不知迷迷糊糊的睡了多少时间我醒来时真的迟到了。To get angry to lie in it. I do not know how much sleep drowsily time woke up really late.

电视剧,动画片,躺下床铺就不看,迷迷糊糊睡着了,当心电视被烧烂。TV shows, cartoons, lie down beds will not see, drowsily to fall asleep, Beware of TV burnt rotten.

一大清早我们就从郊区开始坐车,我们把衣领高竖到耳朵上,懒洋洋的坐在那,一群沉闷的,没有言语的人。During the early morning ride from the suburb, we sat drowsily with our collars up to our ears, a cheerless and taciturn bunch.

教师讲得汗流浃背,学生听得昏昏欲睡,教师对此感到费解,学生也觉得索然乏味。The teacher says streaming with sweat, the student hears drowsily , the teacher feels regarding this obscure, the student also thought dull is tasteless.

十点三十分,把需要较早上班的百万富翁们送到位于市中心的办公室以后,各家的司机开回空空的豪华汽车,从街道慢慢驶过。Great motors move drowsily along it, with solitary chauffeurs returning at 10.30 after conveying the earlier of the millionaires to their down-town offices.

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他甚至可以是以粗心大意闻名,脑袋里充满了其他东西,衣着邋遢,懒惰,心不在焉,举止不佳,自由散漫,或是给人一种昏昏欲睡的印象。He even be well-known as careless, the head are full of other things, dirty clothes, lazy, absence of mind, the behavior is not good, or just give people a impression of drowsily.