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我看到希望。I see hope.

但愿不会如此。I hope not so.

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但愿如此!Let’s hope so.

我希望如此,先生。I hope so, sir.

我也希望如此。I hope so, too.

希望这有所帮助。I hope it helps.

这是我的希望。This is my hope.

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我们只能希望如此。We can but hope.

希望大家喜欢哟。Hope you like yo.

我望着这座城。I hope this city.

我们希望它奏效。We hope it works.

希望你吃得开心。Hope you have fun.

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我希望她没有摔伤。I hope she didn't.

我希望它能感到疼痛。And I hope it hurt.

至少我希望云云!At least I hope so!

别放弃希望。Don't give up hope.

我希望您能加入。I hope you join me.

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我希望你很够喜欢。I hope you like it.

我希望你成功。I hope you succeed.

这下子可有盼头了。There is hope then.