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卡瓦胡椒被用来调节压力、焦虑、抑郁以及失眠问题。Kava is used to calm anxiety, stress, and restlessness, and treat insomnia.

由于和肝脏损害有关,卡法根禁止在英国使用。Kava kava is banned in the UK because of reports of associated liver damage.

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卡瓦根也是由植物根配制的辛辣饮料的名字。Kava is also the name of the pungent beverage prepared from the plant's roots.

卡瓦可能是有益的治疗癫痫,焦虑,哮喘和其他条件。Kava may be useful for the treatment of epilepsy, anxiety, asthma and "other" conditions.

卡瓦卡瓦可以用在形式的凉茶,以减少紧张,焦虑和睡眠障碍。Kava Kava can be used in the form of an herbal tea to reduce stress, anxiety and sleeping disorders.

科学家说,卡法根的使用应该谨慎,特别是对有肝病风险的人。Kava root should be used cautiously -- particularly in people at risk for liver problems, scientists say.

卡瓦名单和信息,包括什麽是卡瓦,卫生福利及使用说明。Kava list "and" information, including those in " the " kava, and "health" and social care and instructions.

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公平起见,我应该提示一下,第一家川普酒吧几周以前已经开业了。And in the interest of fairness, I should mention that the first Trump kava bar opened a couple of weeks ago.

领导的一个研究小组从悉尼大学教授,拉姆赞花了一年的调查细胞的影响卡瓦对肝脏。Leading a team of researchers from the University of Sydney, Professor Ramzan spent one year investigating the cellular effects of kava on the liver.

对那些时刻,我们的通道发现有几种药草能帮助治疗这些症状,包括缬草根,西番莲和卡法根。At those times, certain herbs have been found useful by our channels to help treat these symptoms, including Valerian Root, Passion Flower and Kava Kava.

如果你身患肝病,或是正在服用肝病治疗药物,那么当你准备服用卡瓦胡椒补充剂之前先咨询你的医师。If you already are suffering from liver disease, or are taking meds that increase the sensitivity of your liver, talk to you doctor before starting a kava regimen.

你一到达,就会有卡瓦酒来招待你,卡瓦酒似斐济传统的饮品,依我看这个饮品就像消毒剂的味道和放了一个月之久的洗碗水差不多,有一点温和的麻木感觉,有止痛效果。When visiting a village, you are expected to arrive bearing a large, grubby kava root. Kava is Fiji's traditional drink, which, in my neophyte opinion, tastes of disinfectant and month-old dishwater.