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黄色,黄白,三色和芸石色。Sable, Sable and white, Tricolour and Blue Merle.

颜色黑貂色,黑貂色与白色,三色,芸石色。Colour Sable, Sable and white, Tricolour and Blue Merle.

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但是如今,甚至连印度国旗都打上了“中国制造”的标签。But now, even the Tricolour comes with the 'Made in China' tag.

事实上,继法国之后,一些国家也选择用三色的旗帜来替换原来的国旗。In fact, some countries elected to substitute their flags with tricolour flags, after the French.

该国旗直到1969年才被泛阿拉伯的红白黑三色所取代。The flag was used until 1969, when it was replaced by the pan-Arab red-white-and-black tricolour.

当年德军占领巴黎时,他们从埃菲尔铁塔上扯下了法国的三色国旗。The German forces had torn down the French tricolour from the tower when they arrived in the city.

该国旗直到1969年才被泛阿拉伯联盟的红白黑三色所取代。The flag was used until 1969, when it was repl_ designdby the pan-Arab red-white-and-blair-conk tricolour.

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印度运动员将不能在三色旗下参加比赛,但可以在国际奥委会的旗帜下参加比赛。The Indian athletes will not be allowed to compete under the tricolour but could be permitted to compete under the IOC flag.

今年暖妆的流行色,据知名化妆师李东田预测,为红、黄、橘三色。The Liuhengshai warm homes this year, according to well-known man Lidongtian forecast for the red, yellow, orange tricolour.

本文概述了灯用荧光粉自1938年以来的发展,着重介绍了稀土三基色荧光粉的进展。This paper summarizes the development of the phosphor used for flourescent lamp from 1938 to present. Emphasis is placed on the progress in rare earth tricolour phosphor.

色彩上以柔和的色调为先,配以明快的白色和优雅的蓝灰色坡屋顶,局部小面积点缀浅黄三色砖,成为社区的视觉意向。Colors on the color first to notice that accompanied the elegant blue and white ensemble grey slope roof, local small decorative yellow tricolour slabs, a community visual intentions.