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索比的打算是扮演一个色狼。It was Soapy's design to assume the role of a "masher" ⑷.

把这两样蔬菜都放进一个碗里,然后用捣土豆器把它们捣碎。Put both vegetables into a bowl and crush with a potato masher.

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使用一个有捣蛋碎器的机器,并用另一个力量之石激活它。Use the machine with the one masher and activate it with another stone of power.

排水熟木薯,返回泛醪和一个马铃薯烤至或叉子。Drain the cooked manioc, return to the pan and mash with a potato masher or fork.

如果你没有食物搅和机,可以使用马铃薯捣碎机来捣碎。You may have to do this in stages. If you don't have a food processor, mash it up with a potato masher.

有时这个色狼是华盛顿报纸通讯员,有时他是来自于纽约的货车驾驶员。Sometimes this going-away masher is a Washington newspaper correspondent, and sometimes he is a Van Something from New York.

有时候,这位神龙见首不见尾的调情者是华盛顿报的一个记者,有时候他又是来自纽约的范•某某先生。Sometimes this going-away masher is a Washington newspaper correspondent, and sometimes he is a Van Something from New York.

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有时分,这位神龙见首不见尾的调情者是华盛顿报的一个记者,有时分他又是来自纽约的范•某某师长教师。Sometimes this going-away masher is a Washington newspaper correspondent, and sometimes he is a Van Something from New York.

在域直升机盘旋,随时准备行动期间捣碎器加载在越南战争,1966年5月7日人员和设备。A helicopter hovers over the field, ready to load personnel and equipment during Operation Masher in the Vietnam War, May 7, 1966.

好像要把削过皮,洗干净的土豆切块,放到微波炉里,烤完以后弄碎。All I know is that you wash and chop the potatoes into large chunks, chuck them inside the microwave and when it comes out you mash it with a potato masher.

他对她送秋波,清嗓子,哼哼哈哈,嬉皮笑脸,把小流氓所干的一切卑鄙无耻的勾当表演得维妙维肖。He made eyes at her, was taken with sudden coughs and " hems , " smiled, smirked, and went brazenly through the impudent and contemptible litany of the "masher.