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针鼹带领澳大利亚队防守。The Echidna leads the GTMS Team Australia defense.

鸭嘴兽和针鼹是产卵哺乳动物。The platypus and the echidna are egg-laying mammals.

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鸭嘴兽和针鼹鼠是世界上唯一的单孔类动物。The world's only monotremes are the platypus and the echidna.

牐2000年澳大利亚奥运会吉祥物之一是针鼹鼠。One of the mascots for the 2000 Olympics, in Australia, is the echidna.

针鼹鼠像鸡鸭一样下蛋,但却像袋鼠一样在袋里哺乳幼崽。The echidna lays eggs like a duck but suckles its young in a pouch like a kangaroo.

是三个澳洲本土动物,分别代表土地、空气和水。Millie", an Echidna , are three native animals chosen as mascots for the Sydney 2000 Games."

其它几种食蚁兽这样的动物,如穿山甲、土豚、针鼹等,以蚂蚁为食。Any of several other animals, including the echidna , aardvark, and pangolin, that feed on ants.

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不过,这时压轴好戏才要上场呢。杰克森那双训练有素的眼睛发现一只针鼹猬匆匆忙忙地跑到树底下。But the best was yet to come when Jackson's well-trained eye spotted an echidna scurrying under a tree.

什么科学已经了解到,在过去200年针鼹和为什么仍有很大的差距此处报告。What science has learned about the echidna in the past 200 years and why there are still large gaps is reported here.

鸭嘴兽和针鼹猬都会产下软壳的卵,两者的腹部皮肤也都会分泌出乳汁以喂养幼兽。Both the platypus and the echidna lay soft-shelled eggs, and both feed their young with milk that leaks out through their skin.

因针鼹鼠之独特,被定类为特殊的哺乳动物,属单孔类动物。单孔类动物只有针鼹鼠和鸭嘴兽。The echidna is such a unique animal that it is classified in a special class of mammals known as monotremes, which it shares only with the platypus.

单孔'。''目动物中的一员,是远古蛋生哺乳动物的一目,限生活于澳大利亚和新几内亚地区,只有鸭嘴兽和针鼹种类。A member of the Monotremata, an order of primitive egg-laying mammals restricted to Australia and New Guinea and consisting of only the platypus and the echidna.

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过去有个对早期单孔目化石的研究,推断鸭嘴兽和针鼹在1亿1000万年前分开,比遗传分析判定的时间要早许多。A previous study of early monotreme fossils had suggested the platypus and the echidna diverged more than 110 million years ago, far longer than the genetic analysis indicates.

实验室的实验表明,针鼹鼠笔猫更聪明,有人看到针鼹鼠利用其尖刺、脚和嘴喙向裂缝上爬,就像登山运动员利用悬崖表面缺口登山一样。Lab experiments have shown that the echidna is more intelligent that a cat and it has been seen using its spikes, feet and beaks to climb up crevices like a mountaineer edging up a rock chimney.