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它应用于生产控制和机械人方面。It is used in process control and robotics.

他希望通过获得机器人学位,能到计划在田纳西州东南部城市查塔努加设厂的大众汽车公司工作。He hopes getting his robotics degree will persuade

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安德森先生与24岁的乔迪·穆尼奥斯创办了3D机器人技术公司。Mr. Anderson founded 3D Robotics with Jordi Muñoz, 24.

他们的机器人技术很棒,有一条高科技生产线。They have excellent robotics and a hi-tech production line.

你不能抛开安全来谈论机器人自动化。You can't talk about robotics without talking about safety.

所以,我建议您和您的孩子都要了解机器人技术。So, I suggest that you and your kids get involved with robotics.

最难得的是,我们向碧波小学学习了机器人教学的心得。Most importantly, we learnt a lot about Bibo's Robotics curriculum.

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我相信,如果尝试一下机器人技术的话,那么许多人都会被它迷住的。I bet that if you give robotics a try, many of you will get hooked on it.

人类的登月行动,对于太空探索的遥远行程而言,其影响远远超越机器人和地球空间站的作用。Beyond robotics and Earth-serving space stations lies the infinite journey.

他的大多数时间都花在班里举办的一个机器人大赛上。He is spending most of his time on a competition set in his robotics class.

虽然它确实不会叼回抛出去的网球,但它可是一只先进的机器狗。It's actually an advanced piece of robotics that won't fetch a tennis ball.

两足步行机器人具有类似于人类步行的特点,对环境有较好的适应性。So, the researching on biped walking robot has become an active task in robotics.

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“我们寻求机器人来探测和排除战区内的简易爆炸装置,”哥特伍德强调说。"We look for robotics to detect and defeat IEDs in theater, " Gotvald emphasizes.

艾萨克阿西莫夫的机器人三定律是如何在Last.fm的robots.txt文件中呈现的?How did Isaac Asimov’s three laws of robotics end up on’s robots.txt file?

通过高精度机器人机器人堆垛机是第三条新技术。Accuracy through robotics The robotic palletizer is the third piece of new technology.

后来,索尼用美国人创立的机器人技术生产了电子宠物“爱宝”。Later, Sony used robotics technology developed in the U. S. AS the bASis for the Aibo.

随着科学技术的发展,机器人学的研究也进入了一个崭新的阶段。With the development of science and technology, robotics research comes into a new age.

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再有就是神族,闪耀的金色,前卫的装甲,还有机械单位,这些都并不困难。And with the Protoss, shiny gold, high-concept armors and robotics is a lot easier to do.

这对每台机器人的机器人技术水平要求都很高。"The demand level of the robotics technology of each robot is very high, " Ishikawa said.

任何想要了解未来工业的人必须要了解机器人。P7 Anyone wanting to understand the industry of the future will have to know about robotics.