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下榻与长春尹衙门。Yin Changchun stayed with the Yamen.

但是最早以前这可是一座衙门。But sometime earlier, it was a Yamen.

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提督衙门外西南200米处是水师提督丁汝昌的寓所。Admiral Yamen is 200 meters outside the Southwest Admiral Ding Yu's apartment.

这儿就是当年的北洋水师提督署,俗称水师衙门。This was the Northern Navy commander's office, or commonly known as the Navy Yamen.

具有600多年历史的淮安府署经修复后,现正式对外开放。With more than 600 years'history, Huai'an Yamen is not formally opened to the public after repaired.

“炸弹最有把握,”他说。“袭击衙门,那就谁也不会误会我们的宗旨。”"A bomb is sure, "he said. "By attacking at the Yamen we guarantee that no one will mistake our cause"

至少在成化年间,州县衙门亲自审理民间纠纷已成为官员通识。At least in the Chenghua period, counties Yamen personally hear civil disputes has become a liberal officials.

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沙特阿拉伯与伊拉克和南也门之间早就有纠葛但他仍竭尽全力与两国领导人保持接触。Saudi Arabia has had problems with Iraq and South Yamen but tried hard to remain in touch with leaders of both states.

瓦特则透过县衙门,观察以城市为主的行政体制如何与以农村为主的社会相互作用。Watt, through County Yamen was observed predominantly urban administrative system of how rural-based social interaction.

首先,天津都统衙门管理城市的措施为“警区”的形成提供了一个范式。First, Dutong Yamen in Tianjin took many measures to administer the district, which supplied a model of the police district.

在县衙门口叫喊了几声后,“脱骨”二字便引起众人注意,霎时间招来了许多食客。" County Yamen shouting at the door of several more, the "de-bone" would raise the word of attention, I immediately provoke a lot of patrons.

主要介绍高质量海水泥浆的研制、质量控制及在崖门大桥钻孔灌注桩中的实际应用。The development and quality control of seawater slurry, and its application for bored piles in the engineering of Yamen Bridge are introduced.

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园内划分为多个景区,保存了现今难得一见的衙门建筑、石匾、大炮、柱基、碑刻等。The garden is divided into different landscaped areas and there are relics such as the yamen building, stone tablets, a cannon and column bases.

为研究TMD对崖门桥塔的减振效果而进行的风洞试验表明,用于该桥塔的TMD设计合理,对桥塔的横桥向抖振有较好的抑制作用。The results of the wind tunnel test, which were made to research the effect of TMD indicates the TMD was suitable and useful for Yamen bridge pylon tower.

本文依托广东崖门大桥桥面铺装为工程实践,对大跨径混凝土桥梁桥面铺装进行系统的研究。Deck overlay of long span concrete bridge is studied systematically, based on engineering of deck overlay of Yamen Bridge in Guangdong province in this dissertation.

陋规的索取者主要是书吏和衙役,其存在及泛滥的原因比较复杂,给清代基层司法和地方民情造成了恶劣影响。It was mostly officials and yamen runners who charged. The reason for this was complicated and the abuse had a bad effect on the judicial practice and local custom at that time.

结果以哑门穴为例,虚拟针刺智能动画清楚地显示了腧穴的解剖结构,直观地表达了进针层次和进针意外。Results Taking point Yamen as an example, simulated acupuncture intelligence animation showed the anatomic structure of a point clearly and needle-insertion layers and accidents visually.

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介绍重庆菜园坝长江大桥北引桥箱梁施工时采用的菱形挂篮的结构设计特点,以及施工中的质量控制。Based on the comparison with the Yamen Bridge in Guangdong, the traveler construction scheme of the Wujiang Second Bridge was designed, and the design of the traveler was introduced in detail.

总理衙门的建立是两次鸦片战争后清政府应对新的外交关系变化的产物,在中国外交史上起到了承上启下的作用。Yamen was created after the two Opium Wars, the Qing government to respond to new changes in the product of diplomatic relations, diplomatic history of China has played a role in connecting link.

介绍了崖门大桥施工中索力测试的测试方案,重点介绍了频率法测量索力的测试原理,并给出了部分测量结果,最后还就如何进一步提高索力测量精度进行了探讨。The schemes for cable force measurement during construction of Yamen Bridge are described and the principle of the cable force measurement with frequency method is dealt with in considerable details.