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新科玄之争存在深刻的认识论根源。The debates have incisive epistemological causes.

那便是他对认识论的简要概括。So a very very quick summary of his epistemological approach.

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这种观点,但是,提供了没有解决认识论的问题。This view, however, furnishes no solution for the epistemological problem.

拉卡托斯的知识论是目前最优秀的知识理论之一。Lakatos' theory of knowledge is among the best epistemological theories today.

问题的提出需要有一种知识论基础作为内在结构支撑。Question-posing should have an epistemological base as its internal structural support.

这个新的范式需要科学上的文化与认识论的巨大变革。This new paradigm requires fascinating cultural and epistemological changes in science.

政治和经济层面点的原因在美国甚嚣尘上,而且联系紧密。The political and epistemological reasons are pronounced in America and are interrelated.

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可再生能源在气候变化上可没有什么政治或者认知上的包袱。And renewable energy doesn't have the political or epistemological baggage of climate change.

而这其中,认识维度与生存本体论维度之间的对斥和冲突尤为突出。But among this, the epistemological dimension and the existentially ontology dimension conflict.

蒙太格语法的本体论是建立在认识论客观主义和意义对应论基础上的。The Ontology of MG is based on epistemological objectivism and Correspondence Theory of Meaning.

实践理性作为一种认识论范畴遂成为法概念问题的主要分析工具。So Phronesis as epistemological category is regarded as a mainly analytic tool about law concept.

然而,古典论坛认识论的一元论在目前的时间是被称为专制。However, the classical forum of epistemological Monism at the present time is known as Absolutism.

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但是不管怎么样,在信中休谟解释了部分关于人类中心认识论的背景。But in any rate in that letter he explained part of the background to his epistemological thinking.

图像与文字,由于各自的不同“给予”,具有不同的认识论要求。Image and word possess different epistemological commitments due to their own separate affordances.

斯宾诺莎利用几何方法来推断认识论的真理可举行事实。Spinoza utilized geometrical methodology to deduce epistemological truths which could be held as factual.

社会学应该是社会的物理学,要采用牛顿力学的认识论模式来进行构造。Sociology should be social physics, shaped according to the epistemological pattern of Newtonian mechanics.

刘易斯等基础主义者都认为存在“所与”这样的东西,而且它在基础知识论中起重要作用。Lewis and other people have thought that there is the Given and it can play foundational epistemological role.

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现在费希特,在他工作的首位,是非常感兴趣的抽象的哲学的认识论问题。Now Fichte, first in his work, was extremely interested in the epistemological questions of abstract philosophy.

在宇宙学的认识论的基本问题是,是否有可能有可靠的知识自动对焦宇宙。The basic epistemological question in cosmology is if it is possible to have reliable knowledge af the universe.

阿尔都塞认为,马克思的思想进程有一个从意识形态向马克思主义科学转换的“认识论上的断裂”。Althusser thinks that Marxian 's thought have a "epistemological rupture" from ideology to the science of Marxism.