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同时,国民政府对国际劳工局的直接干预也置若罔闻。The government even turned a deaf ear to the direct intervention by the ILO.

对职业安全卫生的关注,历来是国际劳工组织使命的核心部分。Concern for occupational safety and health is the central part of ILO mission.

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国际劳工组织的经计揭捉家史蒂夫·卡普索斯说,“受伤一代”年青工作者的人数在持续增添。ILO economist Steve Kapsos said this scarred generation of young workers continues to grow.

国际劳工组织同时称美国报告的失业率比欧洲的稍高。The ILO also says the United States is reporting slightly higher rates of unemployment than Europe.

对此,劳工组织总干事胡安·索马维亚表示,工作安全和健康对于劳动者来说至关重要。"Occupational safety and health is vital to the dignity of work, " said ILO Director-General Juan Somavia.

国际劳工组织报告指出,全球约百分之廿二的劳工工作时间「过长」。An estimated 22 percent of the global labor force works "excessively" long hours, a report published by ILO said.

ILO指出,失业期拉长以及不公平感与日俱增,让社会面临紧张关系升温的风险.The extended loss of employment and growing perceptions of unfairness risked increasing social tension, the ILO said.

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此次工作场所预防艾滋病合作项目就是中华全国总工会与国际劳工局开展的技术合作项目之一。The workplace AIDS prevention cooperation with the ILO project is the All-China Federation of technical cooperation projects in one.

与国际劳工组织的其他项目一样,国家工会、雇主组织以及国家政府都是这项工作的合作伙伴。As with all ILO projects, national trade unions, employers’ organizations as well as the national government are partners in this work.

报告中说,周工作时间不超过48小时的标准100年前在各成员国中已达成协议,但直到现在,这方面的进步仍然不均衡。And progress towards a maximum 48-hour week was still uneven nearly 100 years after the standard was agreed by members, the ILO report said.

国际劳工组织工作和就业状况专家帕特里克•贝尔瑟表示,工资增长率的降低与失业率有关。ILO Specialist on the Conditions of Work and Employment, Patrick Belser, says declining wage rates are linked to the levels of unemployment.

国际劳工组织的执行长塔皮奥拉说,最近的数字使得国际劳工组织感到谨慎的乐观。他们认为消除童工的运动正在取得胜利。ILO Executive Director, Kari Tapiola, says these latest figures make the ILO cautiously optimistic that the fight against child labor can be won.

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国际劳工组织警告称,新加坡、韩国和中国部分地区等较发达地区可能会更早触及“人口悬崖”。The ILO warns that more developed regions such as Singapore, South Korea and parts of China are likely to hit the “demographic cliff” even earlier.

其余的投诉中,约110起正在处理过程中,也就是说,军方已开始调查,还有80起正由国际劳工组织进行评估。Of the remaining complaints, approximately 110 are in process, which means that the military is investigating, and 80 are being assessed by the ILO.

准则反映了国际劳工组织的条例,因此具有国际性,随着公正商贸联盟成员不断的修改其应用性,准则现在已得到广泛的认可。This code reflects ILO conventions, and therefore has international standing. It is now being widely recognised as ETI members develop its application.

评分法的基础是ILO尘肺胸片国际分类法,并根据我国尘肺诊断标准的规定来决定各期的评分范围。The method is based on The ILO Classification of Chest Roentgenograph of pneumoconiosis, and The Roentgenodiagnostic Criteria of pneumoconiosis of our country.

南南发展博览会再次取得成功,我向各位和博览会的组织者表示祝贺,向主办本次活动的国际劳工组织及其总干事表示感谢。Let me congratulate you and the organizers on another successful South-South Development Expo. Let me thank ILO and its Director-General for hosting this event.

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2月底,俄罗斯成为第17个签署这一条约的国家,并宣称将会由一个临时申请国变成ILO成员国。At the end of February, Russia became the 17th country to sign up to the convention, with a declaration of provisional application by one further ILO member state.

为提高社会性别主流化的能力和促进就业政策中的性别平等,国际劳工组织启动了中国项目。To increase the gender mainstreaming capacity and to promote gender equality in employment policy, the ILO initiated the China project and set up a "three plus one" mechanism.

国际劳工组织忠告称,新加坡、韩国和中国局部地区等较发达地区可能会更早涉及“人口悬崖”。The ILO acquaints that added developed regions such as Singapore, beats by dre, South Korea and locations of China are acceptable to hit the "demographic bluff" even beforehand.