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我们在花园的桌子旁坐了下来,品尝我们的苹果。We sit at my garden table and munch.

那就大吃西瓜,粉红色葡萄柚,还有红辣椒吧。Munch on some watermelon, pink grapefruit, or red bell peppers.

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确保他们有冷水瓶和健康小食的大嚼…Make sure they have cool water bottles and healthy snacks to munch.

避免大吃大喝,但每隔几小时吃一些高碳水化合物低脂肪的食品。Avoid big meals but munch high-carbon, low-fat acks every few hours.

2月16日,日本东京多摩动物园的黑猩猩正在吃大葱。Chimpanzees munch on leeks at Tokyo's Tama Zoo on February 16, 2009.

避免大吃大喝,但每隔几小时吃一些高碳水化合物低脂肪的食品。Avoid big meals but munch high-carbon, low-fat snacks every few hours.

骆驼也能咀嚼小镇外的绿色矮乔木,驴子也至少能喝上泥水。Camels munch on green shrubs outside town, and donkeys drink puddles of muddy water.

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我经常准备一些小苹果,觉得饿了就大嚼特嚼。I like to get a big back of small apples and just munch on them whenever I’m hungry.

狡猾的海狮不断吞吃回游的三文鱼,让鱼类生物学家十分困惑。Crafty Sea Lion Befuddles Fish Biologists by Continuing to Munch on Migrating Salmon.

像营养餐条和水果这类健康的零食可以放在包里,在考试与考试间的休息时间嚼的吃一点。Keep healthy snacks like protein bars and fruit in your bag to munch on between tests.

戒烟和慢慢咀嚼可以帮助你保持健康体重。Snack smarter. Stop smoking and munch right to help your body stay at a healthy weight.

你喜欢踏过荆棘和荨麻,还有很多,很多很多你的牙齿!Brambles and nettles you love to crunch, with your many, many teeth you munch and munch.

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把椒盐脆饼粒放进烤炉,切忌不要先抓把尝尝口味。Without grabbing a handful of pretzels to munch on, I place my pretzel crust into the oven.

全世界咀嚼泥土的人,不只是在饿到不行什么都吃的时候才食土。People around the world munch on dirt, and not just when they’re hungry enough to eat anything.

蒙克与弗里达,一男一女两位天才艺术家,生命与死亡曾是他们绘画的绝对主题。Life and death were the absolute themes of two artistic talent's works, Edvard Munch and Frida Kahlo.

偶尔吃这些零食问题不大,但是定期吃的话,就会对我们的身体带来危害。While it's fine to munch these things occasionally, when eaten regularly, they are harmful to your body.

科学家警告,这种动物正在吞噬掉数以千计的海盗沉船和其它历史时期的沉船。The animal threatens to munch through thousands of Viking vessels and other historic shipwrecks, scientists warn.

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而大多数跳鼠靠食用种子和植物为生,科学家认为长耳跳鼠多数食用昆虫。While most jerboas munch on seeds and plant material, scientists think the long-eared jerboa eats mostly insects.

这张摄于七月三十日的照片,是台北动物园的台湾猕猴在圈地里,大口吃著各种水果做成的水果冰。Formosan rock macaques munch on assorted fruit ice in their enclosure at the Taipei Zoo in this photo taken on July 30.

患者不止吃少量薯片,他们一下子吃一整袋,而且他们习惯性地做这类事情。Sufferers don't just munch on a few potato chips, they inhale the whole bag, and they do this kind of thing habitually.