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牛舌肉。Beef tongue.

我喜欢牛肉。I like beef.

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来点生腌牛肉干?Beef jerky carpaccio?

我爱吃鱼和牛肉。I like fish and beef.

这块牛肉切起来很嫩。The beef cuts tender.

这牛肉烧得过久。The beef is overdone.

我爱吃鱼不大爱吃牛肉。I prefer fish to beef.

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我想要牛肉面。I'd like beef noodles.

我们吃豆腐和牛肉。We have tofu and beef.

牛柳与腌料拌匀。Mix beef with marinade.

牛肉烧得很烂。The beef is very tender.

好的,我喜欢牛肉汤。Good. I prefer beef soup.

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牛肉已经全部卖完了。We sold out all the beef.

你们有照烧牛肉吗?Do you have beef teriyaki?

汤有牛肉味。The soup relishes of beef.

牛肉粒洗净沥水。Wash and drain beef cubes.

哪类卤菜,牛肉还是猪肉。Which kind , beef or pork.

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烤牛肉还是熏火腿?Roasted beef or smoked ham?

虽然喜欢肉,但他不能吃太多,判断题。Zoom can eat a lot of beef.

我给你个牛肉汉堡!I'll give you a beef burger.