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提取配置信息。Externalize configuration information.

第二,把它记下来,让它暴露无遗。Second, write it down, to externalize it.

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外部化拦截器通常是最佳实践。It is usually best to externalize interceptors.

存在把一切宗教都视为仅具外表形式的倾向。There is a tendency to externalize all religions.

我们必须鼓励孩子们将痛苦通过具体方式表达出来。We have to encourage children to externalize their grief.

您还可能通过一个端点查找原语来具体化路由。You might also choose to externalize the routing using an endpoint lookup primitive.

您甚至还可以用一个服务参数为高速缓存项具体化生存时间。You could even externalize the time-to-live for cached items with a service parameter.

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幸好,把与插件相关的字符串外部化所需的工作量非常少。Thankfully, the amount of work needed to externalize plug-in related strings is minimal.

业务规则使业务逻辑外部化,并独立于主业务流程对业务逻辑进行管理。Business rules externalize and manage business logic separately from the main business process.

如果您自己编写脚本,则一定很希望创建一个可重用的库并外部化该代码。If you script it yourself, you can most likely create a reusable library and externalize the code.

业务规则可以使业务逻辑外部化,并独立于主业务流程对业务逻辑进行管理。Business rules can externalize and manage business logic separately from the main business processes.

本文讨论了如何利用这个有用的架构来外部化帮助内容。This article discusses taking advantage of this helpful architecture to externalize the help contents.

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历代以来,中国的文人们借美人意象把自己的主观情感外在化,增添了直观感觉上的美感。Literati of different dynasties externalize their subjective emotions by way of beauty image, which adds aesthetic feelings to senses.

在本例中,我们将研究公司如何使用业务规则来定义计费规则,将那些规则外部化并动态地修改它们。In this example, we examine how a company uses business rules to define the billing rules and to externalize and modify them on the fly.

通常,为了将配置信息同业务逻辑分离,客户会将配置信息外部化到文件或数据库中。Often, to separate configuration information from business logic, customers externalize configuration information to a file or database.

若要开发能在国际平台上运行的应用程序,务必对程序所显示的文本进行外部化。For developing applications that can be run on international platforms, it is important to externalize the text that is displayed by the program.

为了简单起见,在实现端的虚拟提供者的环境中,将变体外化为远程服务策略。To facilitate this, externalize the variations into remote service strategies, within the context of a virtual provider at the implementation end.

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如果你将这一转换功能剥离出来并在一个分布式架构中运行时,为何还要增加主机的MIPS和更多成本呢?Why add MIPS to the mainframe, resulting in additional cost, when you can externalize this transformation to a dedicated resource in a distributed architecture?

最后复述环节就是一个检测,学生在心理导图的辅助下能够复述文章说明了学生深入理解了文章,以语言外化了自己的思维。Because of the former procedures students understand the passage pretty well, now they can externalize their comprehension of the passage in the aid of mind map.

所以我们决定采用它,因为它的局限性很小,而且有很大的潜在选择余地,也就是说,试着使协作服务器及相应的工作流程更加具体化。We decided to use it because its limitations are minor and the potential high cost of the alternative, that is, trying to externalize the collaboration server and the corresponding workflow.