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骨折打石膏要多久?How long does fracture hit gesso to want?

骨折了,绑着石膏怎么上学啊?Fracture, how binding gesso to go to school?

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所以用石膏粉的效果要好一些。The effect that uses gesso so is close friends a few.

桡骨小头骨折多长时间可以拆掉石膏?Can how long of is radius small fracture pull down gesso ?

脚趾骨折石膏愈合后多久可以打篮球啊?After toe fracture gesso cicatrizations how long can you play basketball?

常规牙体预备,取模,超硬石膏灌制工作模型。Regular teeth and ready, take modulus, superhard gesso cut working model.

不过,我并不想推荐这种方法,因为它是不会随着时间的验证,作为。But I do not wish to recommend this method, as it is not as time-proven as gesso.

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有的厂家甚至使用危害健康的含磷石膏。Some manufacturer use those who endanger health to contain phosphorous gesso even.

骨折打了石膏,拆了石膏后手运动还疼么?Fracture made plaster stone, tore open gesso defensive position to move to still ache?

木制品、石膏线、油漆在留缝时应适当多留一些。Line of wood, gesso , paint is in stay when seaming, should stay more appropriately a few.

脚趾骨折石膏愈合后穿什么些最好?怎么样活动才适宜?What to wear after toe fracture gesso cicatrizations some best? How activity is talent suitable?

手拐骨折石膏拆后,手伸不直应该怎么办?After gesso of hand abduct fracture is torn open, is the hand extended how should do continuously?

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板的长边应沿纵向铺设,钉眼处用石膏腻子抹平。Board grow an edge to answer along fore-and- aft laid, nailhole place uses gesso dirt child smooth.

由此可见,石膏建材不仅性能好,也是绿色建材。This shows, gesso building materials not only performance is good, also be green building materials.

一般选用结晶水较多的硼化物、锌化物及氢氧化铝、氢氧化镁。Generally choose gesso more boron hydrates, zinc carbide and aluminum hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide.

骨折后,石膏已经拆了两个月了,怎么跑起步来,还是有酸痛?这正常吗。After fracture, gesso had torn open two months, how to run start come, still have ache? This is normal.

石膏线分平线、角线两种,铸模生产,一般都有欧式花纹。Smooth line of gesso line branch, horn line two kinds, mould production, have Europe type figure commonly.

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如果有小块破损,可用石膏腻子修补后用小刀刮平。If there is a small piece of damaged, can use gesso be bored with child after repair blow with a knife flat.

各种精细饲料、各种精细化工原料、各种矿物质、石膏粉、石英砂。Various fine feeds, various fine chemical raw materials, various minerals, gesso powders and quartz powders.

准备压克力画在画布上应用涉及面为基础的石膏层。Preparing the canvas for painting with acrylics involves applying a layer of gesso on the surface as a foundation.