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马尔代夫一岛一景。Maldivian island one scene.

这些花园别墅是传统的马尔代夫建筑风格。These Garden Villa's are styled according to traditional Maldivian Architecture.

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也正因如此,环保已深入马尔代夫人生活的方方面面。Also because of such, environmental protection is thorough already the square field surface that the Maldivian lives.

但是这个海绵正在移动,实际上它是马尔代夫的一种海绵蜗牛——一种靠模仿海绵生存下来的软体动物。But this sponge was moving, and it was in fact a Maldivian sponge-snail – a mollusc that survives by mimicking a sponge.

2005年4月2日,中国外交部长李肇星在马尔代夫与马代外长艾哈迈德•阿卜杜拉举行会谈。Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing held talks with Maldivian acting Foreign Minister Ahmed Abdulla in Maldives on April 2 2005.

马尔代夫的民族特性是各种岛上居民的文化混合体,并由于宗教和语言得以巩固。The Maldivian ethnic identity is a blend of the cultures of peoples who settled on the islands, reinforced by religion and language.

2005年4月3日,马尔代夫总统加尧姆在总统府会见了中国外交部长李肇星。Maldivian President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom met with Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing on April 3, 2005 at the Office of the President.

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花园别墅提供了一个独特的马尔代夫海滩别墅的经验,为他们提供了茂密的植被和泻湖的美景。The Vakarufalhi Garden Villas offer a unique Maldivian experience from the Beach Villas, as they provide views of lush vegetation and the lagoon.

马尔代夫政府于1989年开始了一项经济改革,起初它提高了进口配额并开放了私营机构的出口。The Maldivian Government began an economic reform program in 1989 initially by lifting import quotas and opening some exports to the private sector.

免费的那天仅仅包含早餐,此外需要支付每人每天8美金床税。这个优惠和蜜月优惠可以同时使用。Complimentary bonus nights are on a BB basis and subject to Maldivian bed tax USD 8 per person per night. This offer is combinable with Honeymoon offer.

沐浴在金色的阳光下,可在柔软的沙滩上嬉戏,体验好客的马尔代夫和探索丰富的热带奇景,是充满活力的岛国。Bask in the golden sun and frolic on the soft sands as you experience friendly Maldivian hospitality and explore the rich tropical wonders of a vibrant island nation.

所有的人都认为马尔代夫经济有望复苏,都认为该国能够恢复几乎全部消除贫困的飞速增长。Everybody expects the Maldivian economy to recover and for the country to resume the very high rates of growth that have been so successful in almost eliminating poverty.

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客人介绍了新鲜的当地海鲜,马尔代夫和国际特色美食用餐对待,所有编写的拉尼娅熟练的私人厨师和他们的休闲服务。Guests dine on the freshest local seafood, Maldivian specialties and international gourmet treats, all prepared by Rania's skilled private chef and served at their leisure.

因为地理位置的原因,马尔代夫的口腹带有典型的热带风景特色,鱼是当地吃患上至多的食品。Maldives is a gourmet's paradise. because of its geographical location, with the typical Maldivian diet characteristics of tropical scenery, the fish eat up the local food.

加尧姆说,马尔代夫政府和人民真诚感谢中国政府和人民在马遭受海啸袭击后给予的道义和物质援助。Gayoom said that the Maldivian government and people sincerely thanked the Chinese government and people for the moral support and material assistance in the wake of the tsunami.

“财力人力最少的小国开始尽最大的努力时,这说明大家的雄心愿望都可以提高,”马尔代夫总统穆罕默德纳希德在周末会议后发言说。"When those with the least start doing the most, it shows that everyone?s ambitions can be raised," Maldivian President Mohamed Nasheed said in the statement after the weekend meeting.

西方服饰、流行音乐和电视电影都在首都可以觅到踪迹,但在公共节日,如斋月的起始和结束,庆祝活动始终带有明显的马尔代夫特色。Western fashions, pop music and videos are visible in the capital, but on public occasions, like the beginning and end of Ramadan, the celebrations always have a distinctly Maldivian touch.

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根据马尔代夫的传说,从前,一个名叫Koimalaa的僧伽罗王子和他的新娘-斯里兰卡国王的女儿-被搁浅在马尔代夫的一个礁湖,无奈他们只能留在那里,至此成为了那里的第一代君王。According to Maldivian legend, a Sinhalese prince named Koimalaa was stranded with his bride--daughter of the king of Sri Lanka--in a Maldivian lagoon and stayed on to rule as the first sultan.

此外,俯瞰游泳池区,豪华,冷气拉尼娅套房庆祝其开放式的设计传统的马尔代夫风格,茅草屋顶,白色气垫沙发波动。In addition, overlooking the pool area, the luxurious, air-conditioned Rania Suite celebrates traditional Maldivian style in its open-air design, thatched roofs and white-cushioned sofa swings.

除了对马尔代夫岛屿的破坏,洪水也给让封闭的马尔代夫人引以为傲的马尔代夫文化敲响了警钟,与此同时,它也完全丧失了她的子民的自我意识和主权。Physical destruction aside, the flooding of Maldives would also signal the obliteration of the proud Maldivian culture, as well as a complete loss of her people's sense of self and sovereignty.