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那种归属于你的梦的感觉the feeling of belonging to your dreams.

大范甘迪属于老派风格的主教练。Van belonging to the large old-style coach.

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他们是神的百姓,属乎主。They are God's people belonging to the Lord.

他们把我们作自家人看待。They looked upon us as belonging to the family.

你属于哪一个下围尺码?Which underband size that you are belonging to?

因为有你,我便有了一种安全感和归宿感。In addition, we can obtain a sense of belonging.

为什么把苏记到第一组的名下?Why is Sue down as belonging to the first group?

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芹菜是一种草药,属于伞形科。Celery "is" a herb belonging to the "Umbelliferae.

友谊提供了归属感和舒适感。Friendships provide a sense of belonging and comfort.

旅游纪念品是特色旅游商品。Tour souvenir is belonging to the special tour goods.

因为属于我的每粒原子也属于你。For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.

属于大公,或与大公地位相适应。Belonging to or befitting an archduke or his archduchy.

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因为有你,我便有了一种安全感和归宿感。Because of you, I got a sense of security and belonging.

当地农民的另外三只羊也失踪了。Three goats belonging to local farmers are still missing.

她无意中看到一个供伐木人住的小茅屋。She stumbled upon a little hut belonging to a wood-cutter.

宇航局没收了新闻单位的胶卷。The agency impounded film belonging to news organizations.

繁育新品种曾经是园丁专有的一门手艺。Breeding was once a craft belonging solely to the gardener.

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共记录到步甲19个种,分隶于8个属。The community consists of 19 species belonging to 8 genera.

没有归属感------那是一种深深的,无穷无尽的哀伤侵袭着我。All I felt was a deep, endlessly sad sense of not belonging.

这就是时代局限性,而事实却是这种不属于该时代的局限性仍然存在。In fact, this is the limit of time belonging not to this era.