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年轻和充满活力是我们最大的资本。Juvenility and full of energy are our capital.

幼年辅助因子已经鉴定出是萜类化学物。Juvenility cofactors have been identified as terpenes.

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成年实生苗在童区范围内仍然保持着童性。An adult seedling still retains its juvenility in the range of juvenile region.

也许不单是女人。男人也怀念自己年少的日子。Maybe not only women , but also men themselves yearn the days of their juvenility.

理论和实践的不成热,值得我们深入的探讨。The juvenility of theory and practice makes us carry further theoretic discussion necessarily.

但李具有童期较长、雌蕊败育率高、遗传高度杂合及易受病毒病危害等特性。However, plum possesses not only longer juvenility but also higher pistil sterile and heterozygosity.

责任保险作为一种较为年轻的保险,是为了顺应工业革命后分散危险的需要而产生的。Liability insurance, as juvenility in insurance the purpose of allocating the risks caused by industry revolution.

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组合砌体剪力墙是由多种不同力学特性的材料复合而成的结构构件,其承弯能力的计算比较复杂。Reinforced concrete masonry shear wall structure is a new type of structure, the theory of computing and analysis for it is juvenility.

综述了关于显花植物童性的生理机制,生理生化标记,童期调控和花诱导等方面的经典理论和最新研究进展。The classic concepts and recent advances on the physiological mechanism, biological marker and the regulation of juvenility in flowering plant were reviewed.

然而,我国的第四方物流尚处于萌芽阶段,无论是理论研究还是实际操作均存在很多不足。But fourth party logistics industry of our country still belongs to juvenility industry, and both theoretical research and practical operation are not mature.

为实现树木长期与原种一致的无性繁殖,必须了解其成熟作用和幼态保持的机理,选取幼态组织作为繁殖材料或采用人工复壮措施。So it is essential to study the mechanisms of maturation, juvenility retention and rejuvenation before uniform, true-to-type, long-term cloning of trees can be achieved.