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梅菲尔是伦敦最高级的地区。Mayfair is the poshest district of London.

我们知道你们对梅瑞克·梅菲尔做了什么。We know what you have done to Merrick Mayfair.

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他的生意在伦敦的梅菲尔上流住宅区雇佣了25个人。The business employed 25 people in London's Mayfair.

你好,我想更多地了解你的单位。Would like to kow more about your flat at Mayfair Garden.

经过巧妙装扮的这两人,进入位于伦敦高档梅菲尔区的葛拉夫珠宝店。This smartly dressed duo went into Graff Jewellers in London's up market Mayfair district.

把钱输在伦敦高档住宅上并不比输给一个腐败的政府强。Losing money on Mayfair apartments is no better than losing it to, say, a corrupt government.

公爵继承了一个最有价值的财产组合,地处伦敦的巴黎春天中心。The duke inherited one of the most valuable portfolios of property holdings on Earth, centred on Mayfair in London.

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伦敦纽约的上流阶层和那些经常在上流社交圈里出没的银行家和投行人士,他们的生活会冷清一点了。The wine bars of Mayfair and Connecticut—and other haunts of bankers and buy-out merchants—will be a little quieter.

伦敦旗舰店位于伦敦梅菲尔区老邦德街13号,也同时迎来其开业一周年庆典。London flagship store in Mayfair District No. 13 Old Bond Street, also welcomed the opening of its first anniversary.

当然,豪华的邦•奥陆芬电视与周到的服务需要与之相匹配的价格,就像梅菲尔本身这个地址一样。The price, of course, matches the luxury of Bang & Olufsen televisions and a concierge who can do anything, as well as the Mayfair address.

两个文件都被命名后,在英国著名的郊区,独家梅菲尔和时髦的卡姆登,他们接驳,以反映这一点。Both are named after two famous suburbs in Britain, the exclusive Mayfair and the trendy Camden , and they are accessorised to reflect as much.

本周二,她从洛杉矶启程飞往伦敦,这位已经是三个孩子母亲的女人来到梅菲尔享用午餐,她身着黑色的波浪边迷你连衣裙,脚上是一双肉色的系带高跟鞋。After flying in from Los Angeles on Tuesday, the mother-of-three hit Mayfair for lunch in a ruffled black mini-dress and nude ankle strap heels.

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不过,只有中国汽车在美国加利福尼亚、德国巴伐利亚、英国伦敦梅菲尔区、日本东京等地方变得很常见的时候,中国品牌才能真正欢呼胜利。But it won't be until you see Chinese cars as commonplace vehicles in California, Bavaria, Mayfair and Tokyo that any victory salutes will be justified.

爱德华时装全盛时代确切的说从梅菲开始,据说是战后为回应美国风格始于萨维尔街的。The full Edwardian fashion actually started in Mayfair. It was said to have been launched from Savile Row soon after the war as an answer to American styles.

这个伦敦上流住宅区的豪华酒店包括了一个贵族奢侈的绅士俱乐部,从床边的地毯和玫瑰和白色维多利亚式的外观。This London hotel in ritzy Mayfair combines a gent’s club feel with oodles of luxury, starting from the red entrance carpet and rose and white Victorian facade.

这个设计的挑战在于如何将一个空间小,光线暗,与花园在同一层面的空间转化成一个无比开阔的居室。The challenge of the Mayfair Residence was to transform a small, dark, garden-level space into one that is physically and perceptually more expansive and spacious.

现在临近的过去道德败坏的地方已经让位于一种时尚,很多暧昧新潮的餐厅挤进了梅费尔这块狭小的领地。Now the neighborhood's louche reputation has given way to one of trendiness, as a number of intimate, fashionable restaurants have moved into this tiny Mayfair enclave.

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其独特的上流街区的位置和邻近历史悠久的建筑,并建立当地的新地标。DSDHA's design responds to its unique Mayfair position and proximity to the historic route of the buried River Tyburn and creates a new local landmark to help wayfinding.

换句话说,美国大使馆将从有50年历史的梅菲尔大厦,搬到位于巴特西一栋新的未来主义立方体建筑,总造价预料将达10亿美元。In other words, the US embassy is moving from its Mayfair mansion of 50 years to a new futuristic cube in Battersea, a project that is expected to cost a billion dollars.

美国大使馆现有建筑,位于伦敦市中心格洛斯维诺广场,早已被附近梅菲尔住宅区批评,是个混凝土庞然大物。The US embassy's existing building, located in central London's Grosvenor Square, has long been reviled as a concrete behemoth by its neighbors in the residential Mayfair neighborhood.