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甘蔗制成的蔗糖,用作甜料。Sucrose from sugarcane used as sweetening agent.

什么是您运动后饮料或点心的甜味剂?What's sweetening your post-workout drink or snack?

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烧焦的糖,用于为食物染色并使之变甜。Burnt sugar, used for coloring and sweetening foods.

未加糖或其他甜物质的可可粉。Cocoa powder, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter.

您可以使用蜂蜜,糖浆,和肉末干果的甜味剂。You can use honey, molasses, and minced dried fruits for sweetening.

啤酒色,脱臭剂生产线,形成定型产品。Beer color , sweetening agent production line of products to form stereotypes.

哈尔滨石化分公司采用固体碱技术进行液化气脱硫醇预碱洗工业应用试验。Solid base technology was applied in LPG sweetening in Haerbin Sub-company ofCNPC.

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未浓缩及未加糖或其他甜物质的乳及奶油。Milk and cream, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter.

道之爱,会通过甜美化你在能量场中演奏的音乐而甜美化你的梦想。The love of the Tao sweetens one's dreams by sweetening the music that one plays in one's field.

甜味是在组合物中添加有效量的三氯半乳蔗糖获得的。The sweet taste is provided by using a sweetening effective amount of sucralose in the composition.

一些二手车经销商会卖些有缺陷的车,这种车的价格开得很诱人。Some used car dealers will offer cars that are defective and try to hawk them by sweetening the deal.

脱臭前后FCC汽油中碱性氮化物种类和分布基本没有变化。The distribution of basic nitrogen compounds in FCC gasoline have no change during sweetening process.

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因此,培育抗低温糖化的加工专用型品种是目前马铃薯育种的重要目标之一。Therefore, it is a very important object to cultivate new lines which resist to low-temperature sweetening.

得出焙烧矿在增浓溶出过程中受化学反应控制,且为一级反应。The chemical reaction is the rate controlling process of digesting roasted diaspore in the sweetening process.

内在的爱是甜蜜的声音,具有通过每一个听到它的甜蜜的音乐来疗愈他人的属性。The love within a sweet voice has the attribute of healing others by sweetening the music of each that listens.

列剧照,虽然更有效率,产生一个中立的,无特征的伏特加酒需要人工甜味剂。Column stills, though more efficient, produce a neutral, characterless vodka which requires artificial sweetening.

进一步的指标显示,葡萄糖和果糖的比例超过0.5的情况可能是用富含葡萄糖的糖类调糖导致的。Values in excess of 0.50 indicate, in association with further indices, sweetening with glucose-rich types of sugar.

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当然,击败凯尔特人在整个NBA总决赛上9胜3负依旧占据重要地位,需要的不仅仅是甜蜜。Of course, beating Boston, which still dominates the Lakers 9-3 in all-time NBA Finals meetings, needs no sweetening.

既没有糖,又没有奶酪,这种饮料苦得像胆汁,尽管放了所谓“长效糖剂”的高粱饴糖也还是苦。Without sugar or cream it was bitter as gall, for the sorghum used for "long sweetening" did little to improve the taste.

对汽油脱硫醇装置脱硫醇率低、精制汽油产品质量不稳定的原因进行了分析。Low sweetening efficiency of gasoline sweetening device and unsteadiness quality of refined gasoline products are analyzed.