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这是高度机密的。Itwas highly confidential.

这是高度机密的。It was highly confidential.

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这则消息是机密的。This message is confidential.

但那项工作是保密的。But that work was confidential.

机密复仇者。黑寡妇与惩罚者。Marvel. Avengers. Confidential. Black. Widow.

住客的分机号码是保密的。The guest's extension number is confidential.

游戏共有五关和一些秘密场景。In game five levels and some confidential rooms.

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但不要发一些机密的信息,除非你发的是私信。But avoid anything confidential unless it's a DM.

以加密的形式存储机密信息。Store confidential information in encrypted form.

他们甚至告诉了我一些机密的细节。They had even revealed some confidential details to me.

允许签约方对已达成协议的运价保密。Allows parties to keep the negotiated rate confidential.

这封密函一定要亲自交到他的手中。This confidential letter must be given to him in person.

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邮递员传递了已揭密的机密文件。The carrier delivered the confidential disclosure documents.

这是一条单位的机密消息,转发时要谨慎。This is a company Confidential message. Forward with caution.

消息是机密的,不能未预先通知就进行改变messages are confidential and cannot be altered without notice

我几乎不需要提醒你这个消息是机密的。I need hardly remind you that this information is confidential.

基于相似性的搭载模型是实现信息隐蔽的一般框架。It is proposed for the concealment of confidential information.

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让人费解的是人们为何要泄露机密材料。What's not so obvious is why people leak confidential material.

是否会不小心与第三方共享机密数据?Are you inadvertently sharing confidential data with third parties?

参加者必须替其他参加者分享的个人内容保密。Participants shall keep confidential sharings of other participants.