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向南京西进。Westward march to Nanking.

伟大的南京城墙与紫金山。Great Wall of Nanking and Purple Mountain, China.

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南京的旧伤口不会被遗忘!!!The old wounds of Nanking are not forgotten ! ! !

正如大多数人所知,南京因夫子庙而出名。As most people know, Nanking is famous for Fuzimiao.

在南京持续打的就是这样令人眼花缭乱的太极拳。Such was the fascinating shadowboxing that went on at nanking.

要是向1937年的南京人推销这一说法,你可能会遇到麻烦。You might have trouble selling that to the folks of Nanking in 1937.

严格的说汉口和南京正在大平原的南方。Strictly speaking Hankow and Nanking lie just south of the Great Plain.

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日军向守卫南京的要镇丹阳进军。Japanese Army attacking Danyang one of the strategic towns defending Nanking.

其后的南京保卫战实际上是淞沪之战的尾声。The fight afterward for Nanking was practically the epilogue of Songhu campaign.

总的来说,南京市民比武汉居民对游客更为友善。Generally speaking, the people of Nanking were more visitor-friendly than Wuhanese.

鸦片战争清朝衰,南京条约丧国权。Qing Dynasty Opium War decline, the country mourning the right of the Treaty of Nanking.

南京国民政府时期的“党化教育”与广东国民政府时期已有明显不同。The Education of Party of Nanking Government is different from it of Guangdong Government.

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南京各派系之间的明争暗斗使前方部队也出现了同样激烈的内部倾轧。The rivalries of different cliques in Nanking produced the same bitter contentions on the front.

南京国民党政府系统中的爱国人士,亦应当赞助这样的和平建议。The patriots in the Nanking Kuomintang governmental system should also support this peace proposal.

一批大桃子,例如上海、南京、杭州等大城市,那是要被蒋介石抢去的。Chiang kai-shek will grab a lot of big peaches such as shanghai nanking hangchow and other big cities.

在全部现代史上,没有一页如南京的奸杀这般黑暗。In all modern history surely there is no page that will stand so black as that of the rape of Nanking.

两支大军在徐州以南合围,切断了该地区同南京的联系。The two commanders made contact south of Suchow and ringed the whole area, cutting it off from Nanking.

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北平、天津、唐山、秦皇岛、青岛、上海、南京都驻过美国的军队。U. S. troops were stationed in Peiping, Tientsin, Tangshan, Chinwangtao, Tsingtao, Shanghai and Nanking.

1901年,斯特雷特从康奈尔大学毕业之后,进入中国南京的海关服务公司工作。After Straight graduated from Cornell in 1901, he took a job with the Maritime Customs Service in Nanking.

而他去的这些景点中的大部分恰恰也是今天我们去南京旅游时必去的地方。The places he went to at that time are also the places today's travelers will visit if they go to Nanking.