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我们必须停止互相残杀。We must stop to cannibalize each other.

一家公司进行有很多方法。There are many ways to cannibalize a business.

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能够拆除喷火塔以得到喷火武器。Can cannibalize Flame Turrets to gain a flamethrower weapon.

人们最担心的一个问题是,西方公司可能会令那些夫妻店难以为继。A key concern has been that Western companies would cannibalize mom-and-pop stores.

他说iPad已经开始分食笔记本电脑市场。He stopped short of suggesting that the iPad has started to cannibalize the notebook market.

您不断地寻找丢弃的摩托车,以便您可以拆下它们的配件。You'd constantly be on the lookout for discarded cycles that you could cannibalize for spare parts.

那些向饥饿服从吃起人肉的人也会很快出生,由于单清的食品来源将会耗尽。Those who give in to the urge to cannibalize will soon die also, simply because the food source will run out.

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这只是说明了微软需要和苹果一样侵蚀自己的市场。It just means that Microsoft is going to need to learn to cannibalize itself in much the same way that Apple has.

随着越来越多的媒体出现在人们面前,尤其是随着因特网的发展,报纸的读者群及影响面都有不同程度的下降。The proliferation of media choices, especially the Internet, threaten to cannibalize both readership and prestige.

而迫使管理者们在新环境下,抢夺自己的盈利业务,只会导致递减的投资回报。Managers are forced to "cannibalize" their own profitable businesses only to see a diminished return on investment.

甲骨文也不愿意谈论产品规划图因为担心未来的产品冲击现有产品。Oracle is also very reluctant to talk about product roadmaps for fear that future products will cannibalize existing ones.

如果iPad和平板电脑占领了个人电脑市场,请记住苹果公司占有的个人电脑市场份额很低,那是因为其他公司失去了更多的市场份额。If iPads and tablets do cannibalize PC market, keep in mind we have low share of PC market, the other guys lose a lot more.

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他们不会想要拆分如信用卡这样的高利润业务,但他们会想参与这个行业。They're not going to want to cannibalize their high-margin business like credit cards, but they are going to want to participate in this industry.

很多特许经营有很高的所有者失败率,并且还有一些允许特许权拥有者在其他人的区域建立另外一个,并且同类相食另外一个。There are franchises with high owner failure rates and others that allow franchise owners to build in one other's backyards and cannibalize one other.

医生解释说,我们的双胞胎在同一个囊膜里,可能存在一个胎儿危及另一个胎儿的风险。The doctor explained that our twins appearedto be in the same sack, a potentially dangerous condition in which one fetus islikely to cannibalize the other.

与此同时,希望缩减成本的会员已经纷纷降级至价格较低的新版本,这种情况可能对阿里巴巴价格较高的服务项目造成影响。Meanwhile, members looking to cut costs are already downgrading to the new, cheaper package, which could cannibalize's pricier service offerings.

医生解释说我们的双胞胎看来处在同一个区域中,这是种存在潜在危险的情况,一个胎儿可能会妨碍另一个的发育。The doctor explained that our twins appeared to be in the same sack, a potentially dangerous condition in which one fetus is likely to cannibalize the other.