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这是我唯一关注的问题。This is my undivided attention.

他经常是专口致志的做事。He often works with undivided attention.

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难道时间不就像爱,是不可分割没有间隙的么?And is not time even as love is, undivided and paceless?

时间难道不正如爱,不可分割而又无边无际吗?And is not time even as love is , undivided and spaceless ?

对小孩子来说,没有比一心一意的关注更有意义的事情了。Nothing means more to a child than your undivided attention.

女性会出钱让一位男性来心无旁骛地对她们大大赞美一番。The women pay for a man to lavish them with undivided attention.

我是连接在一条无法分割的链子之中的最初之因与最终之果。I am First Cause and Last Effect connected in an undivided chain.

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最早的戏剧是一种混合型的艺术,它是艺术尚未分化时的产物。The earliest drama is a mixed art, the product of the undivided art.

当你是个听众时,一定要全神贯注,别忘了问点问题。When you listen, give them your undivided attention and ask questions.

网咖是其实是个大统舱﹐一排排的电脑﹐每排上百部。The "café" was an undivided room holding rows of one hundred computers.

正是1897年,丝绸之路连接著印度大陆。It is the year 1897. The Silk Route still runs through an undivided India.

计划你的时间,使你可以给每个任务应有的充分重视。Plan your time so that you can give each task its due undivided attention.

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试验开始时,这位母亲心无旁贽,与孩子在一起。At the start of the game, the mother gives the child her undivided attention.

打电话时除非你能把所有注意力都放在对方身上,否则就选择语音邮件的形式吧。Let phone calls go to voice mail until you can give callers your undivided attention.

我是一个善良传统的女人,善解人意,性格开朗,待人真诚,感情专一。I am kind traditional woman, considerate, open-hearted , sincere, undivided in feeling.

研究心理学的一种方法,这种方法把行为作为不可分割的整体进行研究。An approach to psychology in which behavior is studied as undivided wholes or "gestalts".

他面壁三年,终于完成了这部长篇小说。He studied with undivided attention for three years, and finally finished this long novel.

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你的教师一心一意的关注和您可以要求任何您觉得目前尚不清楚。You have your teachers' undivided attention and you can ask anything you feel is not clear.

公司从种到收,指导由始至终一心一意,全民全意服务于农民。Companies from species to collect, guiding your undivided attention, all services to farmers.

核心资本包括实收资本、资本公积、盈余公积、未分配利润。The core capital consists of paid-up capital, capital reserves, surplus reserves and undivided profits.