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莱思和他的家人后来就搬走了。Laith and his family moved out of the house.

“什么?超麻醉枪竟然对他没用?”显然莱斯十分震惊。"What? The super-anesthesia gun is useless to him?" Obviously Laith shocks extremely.

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其中一名遇难者为当地支持政府派逊尼派义勇军领袖。Among the dead was Laith Misha'an, the leader of the local pro-government Sunni militia.

还有人用吓人的黑色颜料在墙上涂写,指责他将有关伊拉克暴民的消息卖给美军。Graffiti appeared on a wall in ugly black paint accusing Laith of selling information about insurgents to the military.

现在只有莱斯和科特两人与明辉打斗,其他人则退在一边观战。Now only then Laith and Kete fight with the Ming Hui and other people all already drew back to observe a war in the one side.

一次被怀疑是美国的导弹袭击在今年1月发生在与北瓦济里斯坦相连的地带,打死了一名基地组织高级领导人利比,他的死亡细节仍不能肯定。A suspected U.S missile strike in January in the adjoining North Waziristan region killed a senior al-Qaida leader, Abu Laith al-Libi.

2003年,莱思收到了一封恐吓信,声称如果他继续为美军工作的话,他的家人也将受到牵连。莱思是一名随军翻译,他要求我们在文章中不要出现他的姓氏。In 2003, Laith , an Army interpreter who would allow only his first name to be used, got a note threatening his family if he did not quit his job.

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向莱斯报讯的年轻人目光一阵闪烁,从身上取出了一把形状比较古怪的枪,突然冲向明辉。The vision of young guy who report message to Laith has shining, he takes out a shape quite strange gun from the body and fire into the Ming Hui suddenly.

寒暄片刻后,只听半空中传来连串巨响,大家抬头看去,原来莱斯等人的斗场移向了这边。After exchange greetings moment, the connected great sound in the midair transmit, everybody raises head to look, the Laith etc. fighting field go over here.

这座雕塑由伊拉克艺术家赖特·阿马里创作,为的是向去年前美国总统布什到访时,向他掷鞋的伊拉克记者扎伊迪致敬。The statue, made by Iraqi artist Laith al Amari, was constructed to commemorate Iraqi journalist Muntazer al-Zaidi, who hurled his shoes at former US President George W.

这家电视台说,巴格达身分不明的枪手星期四傍晚在摄影师阿齐兹和录音师尤素夫下班回家途中袭击了他们的车辆。The network says unknown gunmen in Baghdad attacked the vehicle carrying cameraman Alaa Uldeen Aziz and soundman Saif Laith Yousuf as they were returning home from work late Thursday.