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我看你已经穿了自己的球服了。I see you wore your own padding.

拆卸后座靠背的填料。Remove padding for rear backrest.

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粘贴型斜纹棉布保护填充垫Moleskin adhesive protection padding

第二,具体补白,无中生有。Second, specific padding out of nothing.

再加入一些填充和空白,嗯,就是这样!Add in some padding and margin, and voilà!

面料,里料,填充物都和原样一样。Shell, lining, padding all as original samples.

微胖在衣领的纺织面料。Textile lining with extra padding at the collar.

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有关这些填充字符语法的更多信息。More information on these padding character syntaxes.

主要的不同就在于鞋跟没有护垫。The main difference is the lack of padding in the heel.

网在舌头和衣领微胖的衬里。Mesh lining with extra padding at the tongue and collar.

胎体坚质但较粗,釉色白中微闪青。The padding is firm but ruder , green glazed with white.

此物易碎,请务必装入足够之填充物。As this article is fragile, be sure to put enough padding.

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粘贴型斜纹棉布保护填充垫可以解决这个问题。Moleskin adhesive protection padding remedies this problem.

有的还未厌倦那船一样的徐徐的划行。Some had not yet wearied of their gentle boat-like padding.

厚厚的棉花填塞物紧紧围住装在盒子中的贵重花瓶。Thick cotton padding embedded the precious vase in its box.

使用垫板保护锋利的拐角或边缘处的钢丝绳。Protect wire slings from sharp corners or edges with padding.

货物包装时箱底所垫海绵不够。The goods were packed without sufficient padding in the case.

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地板上为体操运动准备的厚填料。a piece of thick padding up on the floor for gymnastic sports.

舞蹈演员们戴着面具、穿着衬料像个玩偶。The dancers wear face coverings and padding to look like dolls.

如果灌水是不可取的,勾边,可代替。Where padding is not desirable, contouring may be used instead.